February 23, 2025 - Personal blog of Rick Giles

Lower the Voting Species

October 15, 2020


May as well lower the voting age or even lower the voting species!

Once was a time the Consent of the Governed was sought from mature minds, from our Intellectual Self. Our sober, thinking parts were consulted when it came to decisions about the use of force or the direction our society ought to go.

Now we run elections under the influence. Campaigns are running WHILE voting booths are open and politicians are still talking and promising and lying (so long as it is 10m or more away.) Nearly 10 years ago we abandoned the separation of the campaigning phase from the voting phase. The concentration is on the low time horizon thinker now, the sound byte, the first impression, the instant reaction from the base of the brain. Politicians know this are race to outdo each other by making promises as if there’s no tomorrow.

There’s no stand-down period now. Hordings and advertisements don’t need to be halted so that voters can have a quiet deliberate think as they cast a vote. You get more consumer protection than this when buying an As-Seen-On-TV massage chair or a transforming ladder. Now more than 1/3 of the votes are cast inside the circus tent while the show is in progress.

It’s the amygdala that gets to vote now and we value quantity, more people voting, over quality of decision making. The politician’s campaigns are pitched accordingly. Nobody’s talking to your intellectual, adult, brain these days so why should a voter require such a thing? May as well have children voting because all you need is an amygdala. Cats, dogs, cows, and horses who are permanent residents may as well be enrolled too; Or why not?

Image ref. whatswrongcvsp.com

Image ref. Being Libertarian; Facebook

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