January 22, 2025 - Personal blog of Rick Giles

Entrenched Power

October 20, 2020


“The NZ right has never entrenched power or changed anything in its favour once elected. The next time we win, we must do so.”

That’s all either side ever does. Destroy whatever the other built as much as possible, re-build it all to bias themselves. Politics is the art of getting away with it, of calling it something digestible to the people in the name of whatever is hip or beloved of the times.

Our history is the history of tit-for-tat upsets. Demolition. Uncertainty. Education Wars. Labour Market Wars. History Wars. Re-Inventing the Health System wars. Re-re-re-[…] Full and Final Settling ‘Treaty Grievances’. Switching back and forth what criminality is and how prisons work. Everything people do that gets taken over by The State becomes a political football to be kicked around, stolen, snatched, battered, scarred, stained, always in motion and contested and envied for control.

Freedom isn’t about electing the smoothest and most popular silk to control this ball for longer than the opposition. Freedom is refusing to play at all. The high road is not to be like Labour 6.0 and vie to entrench the hell out of the world so that it is toxic to anyone else and nutritious only to their kind of organism. That’s what bacteria do- excrete toxins to kill different kinds of germ so they can fill up the Petri dish with them them them. Trying to grab the One Ring in order to superglue-entrench the world to the wearers own image is exactly what we need to resist doing; Cast it into the fire!

Ref. Politicisation; NZB3

Ref. Transition Between Feudal Lords; NZB3

Ref. How Government Grows Victimhood Culture; NZB3

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