Hate Incident
December 25, 2020
Here’s a new level of madness in the modern-day Puritanism that is our Victimhood Culture era: The Hate Incident.
I remember when “hate crime” came on the scene. Watching a film from 2016, Angry Birds, this seems quaint now as we’ve moved on through “hate speech” and escalated to “hate incident.” Offence Inflation has now reached the point where you don’t need to do anything or say anything to be offensive you can be booked for the mere possession of wrong emotions!
This helpful how-to guide comes from the police force, probably in the United Kingdom. The New Zealand Police, while not adverse at all to Politically Correct signalling, are not this far advanced in VC arts. In particular, West Yorkshire Police seem to be the Countdown Supermarket of policing, saying…
“A Hate Incident is any non-crime incident which is perceived by the victim or any other person to be motivated by hostility or prejudice based on a person’s disability, race, religion, sexual orientation or gender identity or perceived disability, race, religion, sexual orientation or gender identity.”- westyorkshire.police.uk
Tell me how do I feel?
Tell me now, how should I feel?