February 23, 2025 - Personal blog of Rick Giles

“Women Belong in the Kitchen”

March 11, 2021


Burger King international tried to pander to Social Justice Warriors and failed. It wasn’t the failure to be complicit or castrated or simpering or compliant to the SJW though. Burger King’s error was an error in Double Think. They did what the SJWs said rather than read their minds and do what they really want.

Their marketing error was taking woman’s liberation literally.

Equality? OK, they say. We’ll act in the part of industry and community where we have responsibility by helping more women get into our profession. Go us?

But it blew back because the activists don’t really want woman’s liberation in the literal sense. They don’t want equality! They just say that. The real implication would be equal representation in jails, janitorial positions, coal mines, army infantry, and KITCHENS!

So that’s the problem here. That’s what BK did wrong. If they created a management scholarship or a human resources scholarship for women only they’d be golden. A culinary scholarships got thrown back in their faces.

“Burger King is being severely criticised for tweeting that “women belong in the kitchen” on International Women’s Day.”- Fast food giants Burger King slammed over ad on International Women’s Day, NZ Herald (Mar 2021)

The main mystery is how a major franchise managed to stuff this up so badly. I suspect sabotage. BK uses top advertising agencies. Last time I looked Colenso BBDO had the account in New Zealand and they’re way too Woke to hurt the brand like this. Something’s amiss.

Image ref. New York Times; NZ Herald

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