February 23, 2025 - Personal blog of Rick Giles

Jack, Are You Gonna Get Vaccinated?

March 13, 2021


Labour, you’ve come a long way from your working class roots in Blackball.

Labour 1.0 was composed of low-skilled and minimally-educated union officials but they put a high premium on acting smart. Their publicity said that they were very well read and perhaps the really were. They championed the working man. The hard-had wearing folk of the mines, the laborers, the woodsmen, the factory workers, the watersiders.

Now, fast forward to Labour 6.0 and see how they rate the worker now…

“Are you gonna get vaccinated? Bro, scientists design breaks on airplanes.”
“You’ll probably get a sore arm.”
“Sounds safe.”
“I’ll get vaccinated.”

Look how condescending they are to the hard-hat wearing working men! Portraying them as epsilon semi-morons capable only of thinking by proxy. As if the same “scientists” who engineer avionic gear also synthesise medical vaccinations!

This propaganda is insulting.

The New Left champion Victimhood Culture. They are descended from Workhouse Union delegates and the middle-men of chiefs and lords.  They need people to look after, they need for there to be downtrodden to represent so they can fulfill their social purpose even if that means re-defining upwards what poverty or inequality means.

They themselves are never poor or stupid and nor do they want to socialise with or be familiar with or proximal with these Slave Culture people; They just want to administer and shepherd them. They think they’re dumb.

The downtrodden is their raison d’être for assuming power to regulate and expropriate wealth in society and for this they expect to be well paid in honors and cash. It allows them to rule by assuaging their guilt about what they know deep down they are doing to people.

The 90° tipping point came in on 3 September 1988 as Jim Anderton, representing the Old left, lost the presidential vote to Ruth Dyson of the New. Since then, Labours 4-6 have made an electoral plantation of the Victimhood Culture and left the old working class behind to expire unrepresented. I don’t think I’ve ever seen it get so bad as this PSA by Labour 6.0’s Ministry of Health.

Ref. also 1988: Labour Goes Full Victimhood; AHNZ


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