January 22, 2025 - Personal blog of Rick Giles

New Zealand Forest Service

April 29, 2021


Interesting little thing of note that happened today. Labour 6.0 changed the name of Forestry New Zealand to New Zealand Forest Service. The headquarters will also be moved from Wellington to Rotorua.

To most of the world this is just a cosmetic change. The most anyone will care is that some money will be wasted in changing logos and moving offices etc.

What’s really going on, by  Anarchist analysis, is that Forestry Minister Stuart Nash has captured a flag. He is converting forestry from a fiefdom of the previous regime to one of Labour 6.0. It’s part of the ongoing process where all things political (and there are sadly many, and more as history winds on because we become more statist over time) are moved from the old Powers That Be to the new Powers that Be. One of the first things Nash did was as Minister of Police where he performed a similar move on the telephone systems.

“The service will also change its name from Te Uru Rākau (Forestry New Zealand) to Te Uru Rākau – New Zealand Forest Service, and its headquarters will shift from Wellington to Rotorua.”- Newshub (April 2021)

“…the Minister of Policing You, Stu Nash, is changing the phone number and personnel for political reasons. To consolidate his power Nash is taking Police information from an old branch not under his control to a new one that is. Consider the huge flow of information coming in on these calls. ” – Dial 105 for Nash, NZB3

“Every new Government strives to capture the politicised parts of our lives. They want *their* staff and *their* suppliers and *their* cashflow not a structure set up to advantage previous governments. Labour 6.0 will re-make health in its own image, just as previous governments have also done and not just in health but in everything we let government into.” – Health NZ: Centralise and Segregate, NZB3

Stuart Nash seems to be pretty good at doing these conversions. He’s like a Sir Lancelot of the Ardern Round Table, sallying into the various realms. He arrives on his horse, subdues the walled bureaucratic villages to make them change their name and management and/or phone number and/or locus of operations as necessary, and rides away again.

Apart from his hair recently turning grey overnight, Nash seems to be pretty happy and busy and proficient in this sort of work.  He has come a long way from dealing in petty smoke machines and arms dealing. Prime Minister Ardern and her Hand, Grant Robertson, have given their Sir Lancelot lots of dirty jobs and he’s managing splendidly. Unless he puts a foot wrong his frenamies should be very worried that Nash will soon be gunning for his grandfather’s old job of Prime Minister the moment they put their foot wrong. As Honour Culture becomes more prevalent in New Zealand I expect Nash’s ship to come in.

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