February 23, 2025 - Personal blog of Rick Giles

Labour Policy Dodgeball

May 10, 2021


Since Hostage Release Day back in April 2021 when the travel ‘bubble’ to Australia opened up it’s been all go.

NZB3 predicted that Labour 6.0 would take a new and tougher stance in the lead up to that date. You’re either with them or against them and that date, 6 April, was the cut-off for getting on board the Labour train.

Sure enough, all sorts of uncompromising and radical changes have been hatching out over the past month. Here’s a digest of some of the ones observed…

Revisiting earlier prediction of expected policy avalanche…

23 March
At the end of March, the Labour Government took aim at property investors as part of a huge package of policies aimed at increasing housing affordability…
Housing: Government to double bright-line test and end interest writeoff in war
19 April
There goes our independent foreign policy
The taniwha and the dragon: Foreign Minister Nanaia Mahuta talks China in major speech
Jacinda Ardern says New Zealand’s new stance on Five Eyes isn’t a backdown to China
21 April
Government announces radical plan to centralise healthcare, will abolish DHBs and also create a Maori Health Authority.
22 April
NZ Productivity Commission now in the hands of the Left.
29 April
Forestry New Zealand captured. Changed to New Zealand Forest Service. The headquarters will also be moved from Wellington to Rotorua.
1 May
He Puapua (2019) apartheid how-to guidebook released
5 May
The Big Freeze. Public servants earning more than $60,000 will only be offered pay increases under exceptional circumstances for the next three years…Senior leaders and those on more than $100,000 have had their pay frozen entirely.
7 May
Radical labour market reforms- compulsory collective bargaining signaled.
“One in 10 workers could trigger fair pay agreement process, in step towards collective bargaining”
10 May
Second reading for the Transgender Bill
“The Government is rolling out a number of changes to make it easier for transgender people to legally change their sex on their birth certificate…The new measures will be in place until the Government passes a law that will enable anyone to self-identify their sex” – NZH (April 2021)
Shortly to come
Appropriation (Confirmation and Validation) Act to make illegal purchase of Ihumatao retrospectively legal

The Dodgeball Game is On

This is more than nothing, Labour 6.0 are getting up to speed and running hard now. They’re making changes that will stick.
Watch now as massive changes are made to the Public Sector (especially schools) during a time of pay freeze. Would you like to keep your Public Service job? Yes? Then you’d better not get in the way of what’s coming. The choker chain is already pretty firm.
Be careful what industry you work in, especially if there’s some idiot involved in it who thinks something would be gained by it being politicised. The Labour dodgeball might next be thrown at you!
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