January 22, 2025 - Personal blog of Rick Giles

“White Adjacent”

August 14, 2021


Isn’t this just eating the broken bits and dust at the end of the Weetbix box? Or looking for spare change in the couch because you’re low on cash? Running on fumes when your tank is empty…

Run out of ‘Aggression’? Resort to ‘Micro Aggressions’.
Run out of ‘Hate Crimes’? Find a way to run on ‘Hate Speech’.
Run out of sexist and racist behavior to complain about? Switch to complaining someone “failed to promote greater gender diversity.”

Run out of white people to put the blame on? Start accepting “white adjacent” too.
Victimhood Culture is getting to the very bottom of their cracker barrel. They’re even eating each other and themselves at this point.

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