January 22, 2025 - Personal blog of Rick Giles

Vaccine Risk Premium

August 31, 2021


The mainstream now admit that both COVID and the vaccine kill people. They had to because somebody all too obviously died.

So now it’s just a matter of numbers. Like driving on our roads. Or, proximity to rivers and beaches. If we allow it to happen then some of us are going to die. Make your best preparations and roll the dice.

How can anyone contemplate telling anyone else what their level of risk adversity should be? Each must decide for himself how much death he is willing to risk if any. Nobody knows your own circumstances and preferences better than you.

Yet the government can and do tell us which risks to take with a huge publicity and subsidy campaign. They’re making a decision about how many people should die or be hurt and in which ways as if it were up to politicians to know and decide such things.

Note: You may object that the vaccine is more than just a personal risk calculation because it has externalities to others. That’s to forget that the vaccine doesn’t stop you getting infected nor stop the spread.

Image ref. unknown source

Note: Drowning, back in the colonial days, was known as ‘The New Zealand Death’ due to the very common rate of death-by-water. Maoris knew how to handle rivers that were far wilder than the tame British versions. Unclear if that is because Maoris were good and swimming or if they ritualised the risk by conceiving of water taniphas.

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