February 23, 2025 - Personal blog of Rick Giles

Skoda Cop Cars

September 13, 2021


Now the Holden Commodore is history, the New Zealand Police have had to select a new car for their fleet. They’ve gone with Czechoslovakian Skodas and they don’t look very intimidating.

Remember, the colours and lights and sounds a cop car makes are there to terrify your limbic system into compliance. Failing this, the police need to spend expensive time and energy doing the same thing in-person physically. Worse, for them, they might need to resort to paper work and do something to people legally and financially.

Skoda’s cars have never been associated with terror. Rather, they remind me of a wide-eyed panicking cartoon chook in a wind-tunnel with Eastern European PTSD from all those years under Soviet rule.

“Policemen are not there to serve you and please you and dispense goods to you. Their role is to maintain control over you, to establish and maintain fear in the population of what will happen to us if we challenge that control.

“That is why Police cars are painted with threatening lights and alarms and predatory stripes. Retail vehicles are shaped like tasty game we used to hunt, not fast predators. If you ‘catch’ the ice cream van he stops and gives you food from his side-door. ” – Policemen are not Retailers, NZB3

This cannot be made public but our official Honour Culture gang, the New Zealand Police, is made up of factions who compete for supremacy. I expect they don’t take well to the new gonzo cars and he who drives one is he who drew the short straw in the cop car pool. I would even go as far as to say that these cars have been specifically brought in to distribute to out-group cops to lower their status and humiliate them into quitting. This, in the same way that Anarchist thinking expects the new 105 telephone number for the police is a way to segregate information between the new in-group and the old out-group.

It is also interesting to observe how life is imitating art here. In Mad Max (1979) Mel Gibson’s character was given one of the last police cars that could still keep up with a criminal. In that first film an ‘official’ government and its police force was still clinging on to authority in an increasingly wild distopian Australia. The old Statist order had all but broken down and the police lacked the resources to compete with the fast and intimidating road warrior world we had regressed into. The best cars were now with the crooks and the most effective law officers had defected to lucrative criminal career paths.

Specifically to keep one of the last of their testosterone-based policemen, Max, in the job he is given a supercharged V8 Pursuit Special by the Australian Highway Patrol. The rest of the force have become limp-wristed betas who all drive Skoda-like vehicles and let criminals go free on pain of horrible death.


Image ref. Autocar.co.nz

Note, Feb 2023: ODT reports 19 of the new cars have had to have their plastic oil sumps replaced with metal. Seems like a dubious substance to make a sump out of and so it has proven.

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