February 23, 2025 - Personal blog of Rick Giles

Lockdown Dementia

September 30, 2021


Dementia Auckland paid to tell us that “Dementia is like a lockdown that never ends.” They’re not wrong.

“Dementia feels like lockdown every day,” says their sponsored Facebook advert.

Lockdowns are a paced mental degenerative disease artificially imposed on healthy people. Thank you. I agree!

Lockdowns, and dementia, don’t kill you outright but they slice off an aspect of you. A set of channels that a fully functioning human has which allow them to connect with other people. Including their friends and family.

Lockdowns are a short-term dementia, a loss of identity and attachment and affinity with our society and economy and civic life. New Zealand has been afflicted with these episodes of dementia again and again like a mental seizure of the body politic.

Lockdowns are a debilitating morbidity.

Lockdowns, unlike dementia at this time, are easy to cure though because they are artificial. They are self-inflicted by our obedience to politicians and the Statist attitude. Our Government locks us down in a variety of ‘tricky’ and ‘game changing’ ways over and over again and so far we have allowed them.

Lockdowns could end but dementia never ends. Anyone with dementia will tell you that it’s not their friend and they do not want to suffer it. Their advice to anyone who can avoid or escape any form of dementia is to do so at once and unequivocally. You have a chance to not be taken by lockdown disease and are not taking it? Take it! It’s going to cost you something? Some of you will die? Is it about the same number of people dying from seasonal flu? Take it! Dementia victims would give a hand or an arm or their legs to get their cognitive powers and their relationships back and consider it a fair trade not a sacrifice.

Lockdowns are a smart way for Dementia Auckland to help us relate to their worthy cause. Guess what? That’s a two-way analogy. They certainly don’t intend their logic to be used the way I am using it but it cannot be avoided. Lockdowns are self-inflicted dementia on New Zealand. If anyone is not ready to admit that there is only one way for them to be consistent and to love and accept lockdowns.

Simply, those who embrace lockdowns must also, by their own lights, embrace and accept and be glad for everyone who has dementia. Dementia must be welcomed, congratulated, sought after, insisted as necessary, not mitigated, not rejected. Anything else is Double Think, is Cognitive Dissonance. This, of course, would be a cruel slap in the face for the many families suffering from lost members to both disease. There is precedent. As Foucault wrote in Madness and Civilisation we did once consider the demented, the mad, as holy and wise and blessed. But these were Medieval times where society was mad so that the mad could be considered healthy. Perhaps the pathway for how our Medieval ancestors got to that point from the Classical age is now clear because the same pathway is before us who are being told that dementia is health by our Orwellian State.

New Zealand will be strong when it not only stops electing harsh dementors but also stops holding elections for them entirely.

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