September 21, 2024 - Personal blog of Rick Giles

The Politician Is Not A Dysfunctional Citizen They Are A Plague


When will the politician stop? The parasite, the politician,  never stops working at any stage. The sandfly and mosquito will never reform. They don’t graduate. They’re not going to quit their niche and become productive members of society! Nor can they be traitors because they were never on our side to begin with. Not one. […]

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October 30, 2021

The Traffic Horror Show Regime


Labour 6.0’s Traffic Light System is a mafia patronage system for New Zealand. It will turn New Zealand into a giant game of Twister/Musical Chairs/Simon Says. By this system the Ardern Ministry has created a User Interface to control the country from the top by placing it in Red/Orange/Green situation by pulling a string from […]

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October 27, 2021

Saving Legacy Media


Sean Plunket’s plan for new media platform ‘The Platform’ in January makes me uneasy due to what Sean says to Mayor Bruce of Westland in this clip. [view clip below] The Legacy Media misinformed us and piled up the money for the better part of 200 years in this country. They sure didn’t mind killing […]

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October 18, 2021

A Telethon For The Agoraphobic?


Nervous or unsure? “Vaccine Hesitant,” they also say with respect to people who have nor and perhaps will never take the government’s palliative medicine.  This narrative of assuming everyone who doesn’t consent to the Jab & Jab & Jab is “hesitant” or phobic is one kind of illogical derogatory slur. A passive-aggressive attack. A minimisation […]

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October 16, 2021

Taboo and COVID


I’ve started collecting memes of the taboo-mocking theme and there are lots! The category of Magical Thinking in use here is called taboo (Maori: tapu.) The ritual taboos oneself and makes the rest of the community (“Team of 5 million”) safe. In return for this magical service the rest of the community/Team are supposed to […]

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October 14, 2021

The Public Expulsion of Evils


Because the current COVID-19 Crisis in New Zealand fails to make sense from a rational stand point might we look for the logic in an irrational one? The first and most comprehensive guide to practical magic is the author of The Golden Bough, James Frazer. Although he writes a great deal about pre-civilised methods none […]

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October 11, 2021

Easier To Fool People Than To Convince Them That They Have Been Fooled


It’s easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled. That’s because being fooled is a way of life. Gobbling up Group Think, being a conformist, thinking by proxy, Identity-Protective Cognition, talking to your friends to find out how you feel, going shopping to find out what you desire,….this is the […]

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October 9, 2021

Legal Deposit


I learned that some government libraries tax authors by demanding they supply free books to The State. For example, in Ireland, the government demands an author provide 13 copies of their book for free! Stealing 13 of every book you write is still a crime. Just a legalised one! “legal deposit is not theft. It’s […]

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October 2, 2021