January 22, 2025 - Personal blog of Rick Giles

Easier To Fool People Than To Convince Them That They Have Been Fooled

October 9, 2021


It’s easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled. That’s because being fooled is a way of life.

Gobbling up Group Think, being a conformist, thinking by proxy, Identity-Protective Cognition, talking to your friends to find out how you feel, going shopping to find out what you desire,….this is the soul of every Statist.

Switching out the thing the Memetic people are fooled about for another is no problem at all. They live to be manipulated. The content of ideas don’t matter, only that the person whose tune they Double Think Dance to has ‘rank’ and ‘social proof’. That’s why the professional titles and work history is uttered before every RNZ interview with one of the puppet priests.

Ardern is playing a giant mad game of Simon Says with Auckland at the moment, for example. The Muggles will take that. Old lie out, new lie in. ‘We were always at war with Eurasia’. What they could never take is the Red Pill realisation that they are puppet people. They’ll never be reasoned out of what they were never reasoned into. Minds like these are socialised at a young age to be conformists in the government kid jails.

Woke up this morning, and my head was in a daze.
A brave new world has dawned upon the human race,
Where words are meaning less, and everything’s surreal.
Gonna have to reach my friends to find out how I feel.
And if I taste the honey – is it really sweet?
And do I eat it with my hands or with my feet?
Does anybody really listen when I speak,
Or will I have to say it all again next week?
– Hello (Turn Your Radio On), Fahey/Levy (1991)

We Anarkiwis slipped through their fingers out of Plato’s Cave. You are in a minority that knows the truth.

Image ref. Explainer from NZ Herald for current fool rules in Auckland (Oct 2021)

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