January 22, 2025 - Personal blog of Rick Giles

Taboo and COVID

October 14, 2021


I’ve started collecting memes of the taboo-mocking theme and there are lots!

The category of Magical Thinking in use here is called taboo (Maori: tapu.) The ritual taboos oneself and makes the rest of the community (“Team of 5 million”) safe.

In return for this magical service the rest of the community/Team are supposed to taboo themselves as well. If they hesitate then, by internal logic, they are a threat. In the case of the COVID Crisis we are downright homocidal if we hesitate to perform the ritual and our superstitious brothers and sisters sense that and wish to retaliate by wishing us dead or disenfranchised.

Here are some more taboo-mocking memes..

Ref. A Study in Comparative Religion, AHNZ

Ref. The Public Expulsion of Evils, NZB3

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