January 22, 2025 - Personal blog of Rick Giles

Saving Legacy Media

October 18, 2021


Sean Plunket’s plan for new media platform ‘The Platform’ in January makes me uneasy due to what Sean says to Mayor Bruce of Westland in this clip.

[view clip below]

The Legacy Media misinformed us and piled up the money for the better part of 200 years in this country. They sure didn’t mind killing off their competition by means fowl and fair, or resorting to take-over and buy-outs and amalgamations.

Poor them? Sean says it’s a necessity, a “commercial reality,” that the Dinosaurs had to go somewhere with their hand out to rescue them. In other words to we, the taxpayers, to bail them out and protect the market share for the endangered species of media giants that they stopped earning long ago.

Attitude like this…how can Sean Plunket offer credibility as a disruptor of the orthodoxy? Little too much affinity with the Dinosaurs for our liking.

So they’re going to crash? I say let ’em crash.



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