January 30, 2025 - Personal blog of Rick Giles

November 15th 2021: A Very Large Game of Chicken

November 4, 2021


November 15th 2021 is collision time in a very large game of Chicken. It’s the deadline the Government has provided for those in the ‘teaching’ and ‘health’ profession to either submit to the jab or forfeit their jobs.

This is a *much* more even contest of wills than the government media is letting on. The State has a real chance of losing and being forced to swerve. I say they will. Along with transport workers we are already straining to supply enough health workers and teachers without a significant portion of them being kicked out by a ‘mandate’.

Entire health departments, wards, schools, classrooms will absolutely have to go. There will not be enough staff to run them and there will be no use pretending because it will not be possible to hide it from the public. It’s not a ‘news’ story yet but it most certainly is about to be.

I think Labour 6.0 are about to lose. More power to ‘Freedom Day 1 December 2021’. The crumbling of Labour 6.0’s resolve will follow and with it their entire agenda, including Three Waters and Traffic Lights and Vax Passports.

Which way do you think this game of Chicken is going to go?

“There are some schools where 50 per cent of them are not intending to do it,” she said.”The impact is that you may not be able to run your school the next day.” The association represents more than 60 schools from Waihi to Whakatāne. The teacher vaccine mandate requires anyone who is in contact with children in an educational setting to have had their first dose by November 15 and be fully vaccinated by January 1. Ref. Covid 19 Delta outbreak: Vaccine mandate – Half of teachers at some Bay of Plenty schools may leave, principal says; NZ Herald (4 Nov 2021)
It doesn’t take a majority. A minority of non-compliant people are the ones playing this game of Chicken and they are contenders. Especially when our systems are already slammed and understaffed. This was true long before Covid.

Shooting that already fringe labour force full of Swiss cheese holes will take out key people. Not just specialists and techs but entire teams who depend on people down-stream who will now simply not be there.

Do you know anyone who needed hospital lately who actually got to keep their appointment?

By Nov 15th the system will be falling apart at the rate we are going. Ardern’s Ministry is too out of touch to know this. They think they can just say junk like ‘increase the minimum wage’ and it’ll create wealth. They think people know how to make a pencil (if you get that ref?) They think they can command a mandate and it’ll just kinda work. It will not.

The plot of Atlas Shrugged is playing out.

When nobody is around to treat cancer or conduct diagnostics or perform dialysis or deliver babies  etc. it’ll start hitting home pretty quick!

Unless we’re about to have thousands of Italian United Nations relief workers parachuting in to act as scab labour then it’s game over. There’s no spin for this. People who need treatment are going to start going without until the Ardern Ministry blinks. Headmasters and DHB Execs. already know that now.

November 15th is the breaks. Watch and see if I’m wrong.

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