January 22, 2025 - Personal blog of Rick Giles

Boycotting Facebook

November 14, 2021


A letter written to an old Anarkiwi guy who quit Facebook for the alternative social media platforms/Dark Web…

Much thanks. I’ve been looking for more of us too and decided I’d put up a flare so they could find me and here you are.

Apart from Facebook you can now leave comments on Anarchist History of New Zealand. If you like you’re welcome to offer your own content for the Anarkiwi domain too. I want to help New Zealanders break out of Statism.

Facebook gets worse and worse. I don’t want to follow your lead and go though because Voluntarism is part of New Zealand culture not an outlier group. Anarchists can and should take their seat ‘on the bus’ just like everyone else not have to sit in a particular seat or not ride at all. I would only accept otherwise after direct and open ostracism otherwise we’re doing their job for them in self-exiling. But please do share Anarkiwi content in the caverns of your Dark Webcaves. 😉

What’s the activity like? People thinking and writing and meeting on these other platforms? I fear that being ‘cast out’ means people will get weirder. Not part of wider society they acquire keyboard-courage and think they’re brave. In the Echo Chamber they will say things consequence-free and imagine they have been self-expressed, forgetting they had to go to a ‘Safe Space’ to do it. I don’t want to contribute to the splitting of society by boycotting the mainstream communication channels.

I might be wrong. This is actually the plot of Atlas Shrugged. In the end all the protagonists come around to your point of view and stop trying to help the world that doesn’t want to live…

Glad to hear from you,

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