January 28, 2025 - Personal blog of Rick Giles


December 23, 2021


Professor Jackie Buell of Ohio State University is in hot water for using phrase ‘Jewing Down’ in virtual lecture. Apparently it’s a colloquial term for trying to bargain down the sales price in a retail environment and that was the topic of Buell’s lecture.  How dare she implicitly attack Jews that way? But she says that she didn’t connect her term ‘Jewing’ with the Jews at all. This has been met with incredulity.

However, I find her claim totally legitimate. People know more words than they do word etymology. The fact that this was examined by the academic actually indicates she is less hung up on race than her accusers.

It is totally possible for Buell to know about Jews and even their reputation for being tight with money without ever having integrated it with her colloquialism. This happens to me all the time so she’s might be someone like me.

On Tuesday someone had such an epiphany that hydrangeas doubtless get their name from being water-loving. I’d never put that together either but I know that about them and I know what ‘hydro’ means.

On Wednesday I saw some traffic about the word ‘cracker’ being censored. But that’s a Kiwi exclamation of joy I’ve been using since my teens. Turns out it’s some kind of slur for the Yanks. Whereas, it was the show title for a British psychological crime drama in the 1990s (image left.)

“So when things are looking really bad and you’re thinking of giving it a way remember, New Zealand’s a cracker and I reckon come what may if things get appallingly bad…” – We Don’t Know How Lucky We Are, Fred Dagg

COMMON NAME: ‘niggerhead’ was used by early European settlers. No longer used because it is racist and offensive. – Landcare Research

While mens rea is still a legal concept in 2019 it no longer holds cultural currency in our Victimhood Culture era. If someone labelled a ‘racist’ doesn’t share the same overreaction trigger as the person doing the name-calling they’re aid to be in “denial.” They’re the ‘unconscious racist’ or ‘institutional racist’. – 1930s: Nigger Brown, AHNZ

Ah, Yanks. First time I referred to a Texan as a ‘Yank’ she got bolshy and informed me why. And then I forgot until Julian Martin Holdsworth’s partner relayed a similar reaction.

If ‘Jew it down’ is a colloquialism for similar to ‘Maoring it up’ it’s totally possible for someone to have adopted it in youth without knowing about its location in Identitarian Space. Likewise, my 1910s ancestors who crossed the Travis swamp in Christchurch leaping from niggerhead to niggerhead probably didn’t know that this plant’s common name would need to be cancelled in a future Politically Correct era. Likewise, my 1930s ancestors would not know that their choice of wedding party colors were “wrong” in incorporate Nigger Brown unless they would re-name it Dark Tan.

The Maoris who signed the Treaty at Waitangi were gifted tobacco called “Negrohead” and they certainly didn’t turn it down.

An earlier version of our society didn’t put the kind of premium on Identitarianism as we have since 2016 so the ground has shifted under those of us who are not in the Wokeforce. It’s not even a ‘cognitive crime’ as having misheard lyrics. Another ancestor of mine thought ACDC’s “dirty deeds done dirt cheep” was actually “dirty deads…Thunder Chief!” In this case it’s not an error of mistaking something or even failing to integrate a common use term with its etymology. The ‘crime’ is that one doesn’t gaze at this association through a Politically Correct Identitarian lens for the potential to repudiate it as sexist or racist or some other ist.

Hunting for such ‘aggressions’ in real life or in the language itself has become an Olympic sport for the Woke, especially since about 2016. For the Wokester who can find something new to be offended by there is great acclaim and righteous thanks extended to them from the extended Woke Tribe. As diminishing returns set in the hungry Woke contented themselves on feeding of more and more trifling forms of offence. Where once they brought down large aggressive prey they now started sifting the culture for tiny microaggressive prey to feed on like a baleen whale feeds off tiny krill.  As, finally, even those quanta of offence are depleted the Victimhood Culture has tried to run off authoritarianism (and boy, have we seen that lately!)

These Identitarians are defined by their focus on Offence and keeping up with the latest tokens thereof in an ever-changing state of art. So, logically, anyone who doesn’t pre-occupy themselves with the latest version of Political Correctness is a non-participant in the Woke agenda. That’s why I say the likes of Jackie Buell is less racist than her accusers. They are the ones determined to view people and ideas according to a racial framework and to impose it on others. Buell’s flaw is situational in that it’s only a flaw at all from the point of view that she didn’t spend/waste her time keeping up with the new Woke rules about mentioning Jews. That, according to the current mainstream, makes one a deviant.

Ref. also Bourgeoisie Bitches, AHNZ

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