January 29, 2025 - Personal blog of Rick Giles

“Fuck White Supremacy”

December 29, 2021


It’s always got to be anti-women’s-violence or anti-gender-based-violence or anti-child-violence. Why can’t we just be anti-violence?

The implication is that identitarian categories that don’t have International Days of Activism named after them are OK to do violence upon.

“Yesterday in Parliament, we all wore orange to raise awareness of the 16 days of worldwide activism against gender-based violence, starting on 25 November, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, and ending on 10 December, the International Human Rights Day.” – Andrew Bayly MP 9 December

Same with the new trending catch-call: “Fuck White Supremacy.” Why isn’t race or culture supremacy *itself* in the firing line? Not just the ‘white’ kind?

Why qualify it with “white?” When we say we are against violence toward WOMEN or supremacy of WHITES it implies two things.

  •  We favor supremacy and violence toward some category
  • That category is probably white and/or men by implicationIf you pointed this out to Byron Clark (who wants to “fuck white supremacy”) or Gloriz Ghahraman (who wants to “destroy white supremacy”) you’d like to think they’ve adjust their expression. “Thank you,” they might say, “I hadn’t realised I was sending mixed messages that way.”In reality they are perfectly aware and deliberate in their choice of T-shirt slogans. So are the National caucus when they imitate the status quo from a safe, orange-colored, non-specific distance.Clark and Ghahraman do want violence and supremacy and recognise the points they score within their own in-group for signalling as such. Because they are Victimhood Culture it’s not in their painter’s pallet to simply, bravely, honestly, front up about who is supreme and who is subordinate. Or, who is to be violated and who is inviolable. Instead they do it by omission. And, instead of doing it first-hand in a kinetic way they incite others to do it for them.”The VC’s…run from a physical challenge or fight and need someone else to protect them while they consume some soy-based comfort food or frothy kid’s drinks from their favourite Starbucks or equivalent Safe Space with their Friends. They wield no aggression, no threat. The VC can do nothing to others beyond guilt-tripping us or exploiting our good hearts and empathy toward the downtrodden.” – Parasitism by Victimhood, AHNZ

    Unfortunately many of the people being attacked are just as bad. They don’t want an end to violable/inviolable or supreme/subordinate false-dichotomies either, they simply want those roles cast with their own group at the top and the Clark-Ghahraman folk at the pointy end of the stick. The only ones who want peace, an end to the ongoing civil, war are we Anarkiwis.

    Ref. An Acute Form Of Self-Rejection, NZB3

    Note: It’s informative that Ghahraman White Supremacy destroyed but Clark wants someone to have non-intimate sex with it. To “fuck” something is to harm and break, destroy or damage, with non-consensual sexual force. In other words, literally speaking, Clark is calling for rape and perhaps applying for the role of a rapist. When Woody Guthrie wrote ‘this guitar kills fascists’ that was one thing. Clark’s Tshirt doesn’t just damage or destroy it does so in a sexualised way. “This sentiment should not be controversial,” he Tweets.

    In the Conformity of an older version New Zealand this would be a colloquialism not worth pointing out. However, in a ‘Rape Culture Awareness’ movement such sentiments are hypocritical and abhorrent and especially so within Clark’s own in-group. I don’t even need to put my Freudian hat on to see what he and his 300+ Likes skip over. It’s not supposed to be OK to be self-expressed in a narrative idiom that normalises sexual violation and exploitation as a basis for being able to communicate and interpret information. If a “white supremacist” spoke like that then Clark-Ghahraman folk would be on it like cheese on pizza but, of course, all those ‘guns’ are on their side and pointed away from the in-group. If the National Party caucus were really engaged in de-normalising violence they would recognise and actively push back against such instances instead of donning orange and saying to each other “job done.”


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