February 23, 2025 - Personal blog of Rick Giles

Agreement With Government Gives Me A Strong Voice

January 19, 2022


Green Party co-leader says that agreement with Labour 6.0 gives his party a “strong voice.” Now that is what I call saying “yes” to power! It’s downright Orwellian Double-Speak to say that Agreement = Strong Voice but here we are.

To be precise, James doesn’t think he means capitulation/submission/obedience is what makes him strong. He thinks he means that having a joint partnership pact is what makes him strong. But who is he kidding? Being a partner with Labour 6.0 right now means singing from the same song sheet. The stage is called the ‘Podium of Truth’ and the song is called “We will be your one source of truth.”

In the national game of Simon Says being played everyone who wants to be in the mainstream must act as if they agree with Labour 6.0 even if they don’t. Anyone in media, policing, fire service, emergency ambulance, nursing, transport, academia, hospitality,…just about everything…MUST be on the same page as this government. If not, they will be stuck off and disowned, ostracised, arrested, made redundant, not hired, shut-down, cancelled, prevented from trading. James is simply showing that it is the same in politics. Ref. The ‘Yes, And’ Politics Game

“Collins playing political chess and winning the game (the ‘Yes, And’ game, it’s called) but unfortunately it’s not just a game it’s all our lives being gambled with.” – Jacinda and her Cabinet, NZB3 (March 2021)

“What can National do? By the rules of improv’ comedy they can’t simply say “This is a hoax” but must “say yes” to Lockdown II. Judith Collins’ only move is to say “Yes, and…” in some fashion. “Yes, and this Government should never have let it go this far.” And, “Yes, another Lockdown is required so this Government clearly can’t keep you safe.”” – The Lockdown Election, NZB3 (August 2020)

“Well I…I disagree..I mean…the cooperation agreement that we’ve got with the Labour Party at the moment gives the Greens a strong voice both inside and outside the Government.” – Shaw, ZB interview

To our shame, apart from Anarchists and a few others, this nation has no strong voice at all. Worse, much worse, are those who are so deluded as to think conformity with Labour 6.0 is the equivalent to having a “strong voice.” Worse yet, James Shaw is here saying not that he is a strong voice or has a strong voice but that he is given a strong voice by virtue of his agreement with the great power broker.

A man, or his team, does not get his rights or his strength from others but from within. In a healthy society we bring our own individual personal power into a relationship. It doesn’t feed us, we feed it. We do not come into a relationship pathetic and lacking, with no self-expression and no self-esteem, and then become ‘gifted’ those things as a taker. Even in romantic relationships success and happiness depends on mutualism between two individuated partners not Fused co-dependence. Shaw’s stammering statements in this interview that Agreement is having a Strong Voice sounds rather a lot like Orwellian slave self-talk such as Freedom is Slavery or Peace is War or Ignorance is Strength.

I started writing NZB3 again because I noticed so many people were not brave enough to be self-expressed and wanted to show that it was still possible. It’s not Labour 6.0’s fault that we became a population of virtue signalers desperate to provide social proof that they were mainstreamers. The politicians, as always, simply capitalise on the mood the people already have. This mood, and this politics, has become ever more conformist. And now it’s being called our strength!

Imagine it were not just politicians like Shaw saying this out loud. These could be headlines if people spoke out loud…

“Chief Fireman: Agreement with Labour gives Firemen a strong voice”

“Commissioner of Police: Agreement with Labour gives Policemen a strong voice”

“Medical Council of New Zealand: Agreement with Labour gives Doctors a strong voice”

“Principles Association of New Zealand: Agreement with Labour gives Teachers a strong voice”

“Media Council of New Zealand: Agreement with Labour gives Journalism a strong voice”

“New Zealand Council of Churches: Agreement with Labour gives Christians a strong voice”

“Internet Service Provider Association: Agreement with Labour gives ISPs a strong voice”

“Publishers Association: Agreement with Labour gives writers a strong voice”

“Electoral Commission: Agreement with Labour gives voters a strong voice.”

“China: Agreement with Labour gives New Zealanders a strong voice.”

“Chief Baby Boomer: Agreeing with Labour gives Boomers a strong voice.”

All these groups and more may as well be saying these lines since it’s exactly how they are behaving. Most people are trying to stay in Merton’s Conformity Quadrant because that’s where you work, trade, socialise, learn, talk, worship, heal and be healed, and express political views etc. It’s true that if you want to have strong participation in this mainstream then you get that by agreeing with the mainstream. You get rewards like money, fame, access but these things are not strength at all they are the products of it. New Zealanders right now don’t understand the distinction between virtue and value. They think that if they get value then they must be virtuous (eg. “I must be strong.”) This is the same mindset that allows people to believe that a participation certificate is just as good as winning and that everyone would be  winner if everyone got a prize or a pass mark or a qualification document.

A strong voice is not a gift of The Party. Nor is objective strength measured by what you have or can get, especially not in a corrupt society where goods and services are withheld for political reasons and depend on the user’s agreement/submission. We are not being strong because we consent to The State: We are either unwise or fearful or both.

“The re-foundation of New Zealand (a name which the new Labour-Green government will likely consign to the dustbin of history) will make it virtually impossible for the traditional Right to stage a comeback – at least democratically. Why? Because there will be literally nowhere for the force of a right-wing majority to be brought to bear. The restoration of the status quo ante will, constitutionally, cease to be an option. Over the top? Don’t you believe it. This is how top-down revolutions work. The first decisive changes are made, and then, if the revolutionary government is re-elected, those changes are embedded beyond the capacity of practical politicians to reverse.”

“If most of those over the age of 50 are driven into the arms of the Right by the He Puapua blueprint then the election will be a damn close-run thing.” – Chris Trotter: Make or Break, Breaking Views (2022)

“Ye men of Athens, I am wiser than some of you, and braver than others: wiser than those of you who do not perceive the treachery of Peisistratus, and braver than those who are aware of it, but out of fear hold their peace.” – Solon of Athens

The worst aspect of The State is that the individual rips out of himself his own virtue, strength, and hands it over to Government to sell it back to him in exchange for Agreement and says this is what it means to be strong. Anarkiwi is being fully human, fully individuated, taking the Red Pill, non-fused, non-collectivised, non-Statist.

Ref. James Shaw: Agreement with Labour gives Greens a strong voice, Newstalk ZB (18/1/2021)

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