February 23, 2025 - Personal blog of Rick Giles

Take This Government Survey

February 12, 2022


In February 2021 the Labour 6.0 Government asked you to be a beta tester for their new forced history lessons for our kids. At that point their new compulsory history lessons were set to go in 2022. Like so many other plans of this Government they have been stalled/delayed/cancelled; This time until election year 2023 at least although promised in 2019! The survey was another illustration of how The Government is not the generator of ideas or culture but only a follower with a view to leverage. They can’t come up with values or even historical views but only find out what is popular and then, post facto, act as if they thought it up. So, the Government wanted to find out quietly about the public’s popular views in advance rather than there be a storm of protest in public.

“From Wednesday, the public will be able to read the draft content and complete an online survey. It will run until May 31.” – Ministry of Education calls for public’s feedback on schools NZ History curriculum, Newshub (2021)

Government frequently invites the community to public meetings in the guise of presenting information. For the price of a few tea bags and packets of biscuits and a hired space (all at your expense) they find out what troubles they’re facing before they have to face them. They find out what people are angry about in advance. They also find out the names, addresses, and phone numbers of the people opposed to them. Hell, they might even have an apple-polishing intern out in the carpark taking down your number plate!

Their most virulent opponents will show up, out themselves, spill their best arguments, vent their frustration, feel like they’ve done something, all for the price of one biscuit.

The history curriculum survey was just an online version and you don’t even get a consolation cookie!

Anarchists, try to be smart out there. Don’t help the people farmers hone their rulership techniques on you in return for a snack. Don’t be fooled into spending your energy and protests and civic energy on staged presentations or surveys. It’s a one-sided transaction in which you are the product. Besides which, even if you do have your steam let off and do express your thoughts to the powers that be at a catered event…..who do you think is paying for the “free” food and drink?

They’re getting you to catch yourself in your own net.

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