February 23, 2025 - Personal blog of Rick Giles

Freedom Protest “Unsafe” and “Disorganised”

February 14, 2022


“To be amongst the protestors is both calming and exhilarating. There’s a strong sense of trust in one another which has been long denied by lockdown separations, physical distancing and masking. People are working together to overcome adversities thrown at them by nature or the state” wrote Lindsay Mitchell last night. Unsafe? Better quarantine all those those police then! They’re “close contacts” now. This is during a time where the masked politicians hiding inside parliament are sitting in rotation so that they don’t “infect” one another. I understand that the Speaker, Trevor Mallard, has also set the rule that no Member may interact with the protesters and return to the House! They will be assumed “unclean” and put on a stand-down period. Meanwhile, hundreds of police are in the thick of it?

When we tell fairytales in theater so much should not be left up to the imagination. Suspension of Disbelief takes the audience only so far. Labour 6.0’s script and cast of actors are not doing their bit to sell the idea New Zealand is having a health crisis. They leave far too much to the post-production editing room of the Mainstream Media. The major hitch with that is that, thanks to non-state media channels (eg this website, eg live feeds) we can all see behind the curtain at what’s really going on!

Just in time, here’s a new bit of script to save the show: The Close Contact Exemption Scheme kicked in on Friday 11/Feb. Not yet active. It means that ‘essential workers’ (ie these police) are able to keep on trucking and not self-isolate or go to quarantine so long as they pass a rapid antigen test. This Scheme becomes active when there are 1000 cases/day. Note also, helpfully for the stand-off at parliament, that cases/day have started amping up toward that magic 1000 number (got to go up gradually so it doesn’t look like Biden votes and happen all at once.) Timing most fortuitous although the Scheme is disguised as being for the benefit of ‘critical supply chains’.

“But most shocking of all has been the media. They have looked down on the protests and reported clear lies. To what end? I thought journos were supposed to speak truth to power. They now peddle state lies. The live feeds give a clear lie t the Main Stream Media. We can all see what is happening from multiple viewpoints live. The media re totally exposed.”- Rodney Hide, ibid

“What this government, that proclaimed it would govern for all New Zealanders, has done is turn its back on a good number of its people. How hard can it be to at least front up and talk to the people assembled on parliament grounds? The final straw for me and what prompted me to go public, is the way government is treating these people – turning the sprinklers on them knowing there was a storm coming, and playing loud music at night so as to not let them sleep and make them feel miserable – no farmer would treat animals like that!” – Groundswell New Zealand, Facebook

We have been shut out of our local swimming pool because literally we don’t take the government’s recommended medicine and refuse to present the government’s ID. That small indignity after all the misery inflicted upon us as a family was the proverbial straw that broke my back.”- I support the protest 100 percent, Rodney Hide; BASSETT, BRASH & HIDE

“Since Thursday, there have been over 100 arrests from the protests at Parliament Grounds, Wellington. Police have charged people with trespass, resisting arrest, and misdemeanour. At this stage, many have received their charges and were released….We have been actively supporting anyone charged, held in either the cells at Wellington or shifted to a prison.” – Voices For Freedom; Conserve NZ, Facebook

Which straw broke the proverbial camel’s back for you?

The other bit of narrative is ‘disorganisation’.

I’ve seen rubbish details, codes of conduct, food prep and distribution, drainage and straw for the sodden ground. I saw unpaid, untrained, free people successfully resist a huge line of uniformed professionals deployed to see them off. I’ve seen a first aid stand and a billet system to over-night Cyclone Dovi. There’s citizen media coverage, PA systems and speeches, and there’s legal outreach and support to everyone the police have kidnapped.

Glorious Anarchy!

Theory of Moral Cultures

Meanwhile, the Prime Minister and her apparatus are undergoing what psychologists refer to as an Extinction Burst. They are trying every which-thing they can to keep the initiative even as it slips through their fingers. The ruling elites don’t know how to handle this (or any) challenge they only look out for what works (eg what is popularist) and latch on to it while pretending they came up with it. They throw various kinds of mud and hope something sticks. The greatest Extinction Burst in cinema was the fate of the T-1000 in Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991) as it was melted down and destroyed. The evil sociopathic Janus-faced robot revisited every face and shape it had used in the whole film to manipulate and murder until its repertoire was extinguished at last.

So it is here. They’re unsafe, disorganised, dirty, abusive, hostile, squalid, angry, Canadian, Trumpist, Nazi, disruptive, own child-endangering, other’s child-abusing, publicly defecating, threatening, murderous, illegitimate, a minority, “different,” “imported,” unsanitary, feral,…every unimaginative Extinction Burst mud-slinging trick in the book. This is the long-awaited Giant Turnip Pull that could have been a smooth (and on time) culture change and hand-over but now must occur with a bang.

“I think we all want them to leave,” says Ardern. “What should we do with the Parliament protestors?” says Jack Tame, clearly picking sides, and adding: ” Mallard should bring in some speakers, and put the Crazy Frog song on repeat. Then, let’s cross our fingers for a good Southerly.”

Labour 6.0 rose to power in Victimhood Culture then presided as New Zealand took up Slave Culture. These last few years our country has been in Slave mode. We’ve been a do-as-we-are-told country living in fear. When that had run a natural course it was unnaturally extended by the COVID Crisis which kept everyone Locked Down and Obedient and the old elite in power longer than they ought to have been and re-elected on grounds that should not have existed. Just as Victimhood Culture always turns into Slave Culture this in turn always becomes Honor Culture. Ref. Cycle of Moral Cultures

The Freedom Protest has aspects of being in transition from Slave to Honor in its culture. It’s Slave-spirited to beg, demand, wait, prey for politicians to set you free. I heard them call for that from our ‘leaders’ as well as for the media priesthood to give them true and fair news. This is penitent. To demand an audience with the Boss is to view him as the alpha and you his beta who cannot author your own life. The most honest thing a Boss can do is something we saw in the Wizard of Oz (1939) when the Wiz came out and told the pilgrims that they already had a Heart, a Brain, Courage, and a Home all along and, besides, nobody else can give those things to you.

Instead of being supplied those values from the Wizards of The House of Representative or the Mainstream Media the protesters have been growing as a culture. Slavery has turned toward Honor though not without some anger and frustration and some Acting Out. This sort of personal growth, human development itself, is ideally facilitated with an understanding counselor or trusted elder. Growth doesn’t have to be difficult and painful if you have help. Instead though, this call to growth is answered to Kiwis exposed outdoors in mud in the cold and rain under a cyclone while brutal police and media persecute and abduct to the limits of what they can get away with! On top, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, who lives in the parliamentary suite, has been pushing every button he has to unleash sprinklers and disruptive music as if he’s some Bond Villain!

“The only ones who ever define and champion ‘freedom’ are the outsiders on their way up; The only ones who ever define and champion ‘criminality’ are the insiders on their way down.”- Me (23/12/2018)

Sprinklers and loud music? That’s Slave Culture warfare. It’s cowardly, impersonal, weak. Equivalent to sticking a ‘kick me’ sign on someone’s back on a pin on their seat. But the protesters are showing Honor Culture endurance standing up to the police face-to-face and the worst elements nature can produce as well! A new New Zealand is being re-born on that lawn as an old one is dying and defeating itself in its own stodgy, cowardly, juices. That mud our people are standing in is as precious and significant or more than the flooded trenches of the Western Front or sodden turf of Woodstock. New movements are always, at first, a rag-tag bunch of intersectionalist and diverse, inarticulate, grass-roots folk. That’s also how the Woke started out before victory defeated them; Made them entitled and soft. Authenticity and good spirits always triumph over the artificial and contrived so it’s only a matter of time and details before the Moral Culture of the entire country turns. The power to make Comedy always defeats the power to make Criminals in the end.

Image ref. The Friday stand-off, a still image from live feed, The Daily Examiner, Facebook

Image ref. ‘HEres to the real men of NZ local farmers helping at the protest!’- Angela Love, Facebook

Ref. ‘New exemption scheme established with aim of keeping critical supply chains running’ – New scheme to keep key sectors going through Omicron, Beehive (10/2/2022)

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