February 23, 2025 - Personal blog of Rick Giles

“Make Sure You’re Sorted”

February 22, 2022


What’s the difference between propaganda and advertising? Advertising puts you in contact with desires you already have and tells you about a channel to achieve them. Propaganda tells you what to want and often employs fear. This (image, left) bit of propaganda from the Ministry of Civil Defense is on-message with Labour 6.0’s efforts to make the population afraid.

When we are afraid we Down-Regulate into a lower form of our being. We abandon reason as our means to solve problems and step back 100,000 years into our more basic mammalian brains, or even many millions back into our reptilian brains. Now our responses are limited to the basic Fight or Flight or Freeze.

Too many New Zealanders have a cruising pulse rate in their polyvagal system that’s pretty low to begin with. They would be more at home the society of our distant past rather than the civilisation of our modern world. It doesn’t take much for them to be Triggered into going back into that mental state. For them organised religion is a necessary form of crowd control and is supplied by the church or The State. Without it they would riot upon each other. In striving for an end to The State the Anarchist is also striving for every person to Individuate by being an end in them-self with individual rights rather than made into a part in some collective machine. Anarchism is a message of enlightenment, of peace, freedom, of non-exploitation of one another.

When we are traumatised into freezing one of the things we do is to power down. Switch the lights off, go to ground, in the dark, live very basically. That’s what I despise about initiatives like the annual “Earth Hour” which promotes turning off humanity’s creative spark both literally and symbolically. The alternative is to meet a challenge (real or imagined) face to face with innovation and energy: Powered up.

When Civil Defense propagandists us to make sure we are sorted for supplies it is putting the wind up us that crisis is coming. They are stoking anxiety. Attached to the human drive to hoard supplies and gather resources for future danger is the anticipation of future danger. The Government is here saying that danger is coming without saying danger is coming. It’s putting the public into a siege mindset.

Clever. They’re also trying to get you to do their anxiety-spreading job for them by reaching out to your friends and neighbors to also be part of the Freeze trauma response. Spread that anxiety around your social group. The government PR team has also used the imagery of a flying KFC bucket as salvation which goes to show what they think of us. Zealandia Reptilia apparently craves fried chicken handed to him from the sky gods when he is under stress.

Labour 6.0 has captured the institutions such as Civil Defense. First by being elected to the Executive and secondly by reforming institutions and demoting/promoting staff within the organs of the State they have managed to make them sing with one voice. Even the National Library of New Zealand and Bellamys restaurant were on-message with Labour 6.0 when it came to supporting its pro-Covid Crisis message. Waka Kotahi was on-message when all the traffic cams showing the Freedom Convoy turned black.

This is the prize for which politicians seek office. Becoming the Executive in the House of Representatives means being the conductor of a vast orchestra of Ministries, quangos, State Owned Enterprises, officials, etc. It grants the power to tell lies and have them re-broadcast as true. When the various organs of The State echo that something is true then they socially construct something that is called The Truth far and wide. These constructions allow the Executive to gain and keep their power which is most of what they do. On the side, they create various schemes and scams to fund re-election and to line the pockets of their friends and supporters.

This little bit of 2022 propaganda put out on the Civil Defense social media page deserves to be kept on record. It’s a bit of social history that belongs in a museum or a weblog around which we can have a conversation like the one I’m opening up here. One day National 6.0 will win election and soon have the Civil Defense Facebook page singing from their hymn sheet as part of their architecture. The things this puppet is made to re-broadcast will be no more true then than they are now. Boogiemen will come and go. Real emergencies will be ignored or met or exploited for political gain just as they have for decades past and all under the blessing of captured institutions. The lies change but only in order to keep up with changing fashions in the public. That’s why looking at propaganda made for another time period is like looking at another country’s propaganda (and it works the other way back too.) This is what Descartes said when he advised travelling to broaden the mind. Wherever you go you’ll be in someone’s Statist echo chamber but by sampling the different ones you’ll be able to control for that variable and recognise that it’s there.

The Statist solution to the problem of Regulatory Capture or Political Capture is to change the boss. If, for example, National 5.0 had made such a stronghold of a particular institution that Labour 6.0 couldn’t take it over even if elected, then it would start by firing the CEO no matter the golden pay-out. It would proceed to demolish the organisation’s management structure entirely, perhaps change the name of the thing, and even the location of its head office. Future Labour Leader Stuart Nash has done much of this leg work, eg. Police emergency and Forestry New Zealand. National 5.0 changed Occupational Safety and Health Service (OSH) to Worksafe New Zealand. The NZ Productivity Commission was castrated by putting a Wokester at the top. Goodness knows how many times Housing New Zealand/Kāinga Ora or the Ministry of Transport or WINZ/Department of Social Welfare have needed new names over the years. Logo designers owe much of their industry to political change-over.

Meet the New Boss, Same as the Old Boss

Statist problems cannot be solved by Statist solutions. Our polity is sick and the prognosis critical. The solution to a corrupted civil service cannot be new people or new branding. What New Zealand really needs is to arrest process of taking healthy, free, people and institutions and replacing them with The State. The globalised, centralised, trend over our history to take more and more of what it is to be human and make it into an official government office needs to be put into full reverse. We can run our own lives with our own money better than rulers can run them. They know that our lack of self-confidence is their only strength which is why they propagandise so hard to shake that confidence. Subtly traumatic images such as the above play a key role in the story of your enslavement.

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