February 23, 2025 - Personal blog of Rick Giles

Victimhood’s Response to Crisis

February 28, 2022


This meme is no joke. This is literally how Victimhood Culture people self-regulate when it comes to crisis.

Check it out…

“Lighting a candle for every being on both sides, caught up in the monstrous happenings in Ukraine. May the loud voices screaming ‘injustice’ all over the world deafen the greedy oligarchy and force their leader awake to the blood on his hands. #stopthemadness #noonewinsthefight #peaceforukraine #supportthevictimsofwar” – Riverside Community (Feb 2022,) Facebook

Candles and screaming from New Zealand at ya, Eastern Europe.

Take that.

Think twice next time because it didn’t need to come to this.

Now you’re in trouble.

Anyone got a match?

No candles either?
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