January 22, 2025 - Personal blog of Rick Giles

February Revolt Put Down Today

March 2, 2022


It will be a surprise to no Anarkiwi that The State does not draw the line at denegrating, expelling, controlling, firing, excluding, sabotaging, and threatening New Zealanders as a means of control. Today the Wellington Rebellion was put down by brute force. It was a great mistake.

Until now a tacit social contract has been in place, especially on the part of the Revolt, not to raise a fist against fellow New Zealanders. Today the Police, once again, escallated the conflict to violence. Now we see that The State is also content to raid, punch, beat, gouge, poison, blast, and kidnap in order to enforce the Labour 6.0 Emergency Mandate.

New Zealanders were deprived of a peaceful outlet to participate in society so they innovated and developed a new outlet. A Freedom Convoy and a Freedom Camp are developments of what is now an established and traditional Kiwi means of protest. We have had many marches/hikoi on parliament before and we have had many illegal protest encampments before too, no matter what The State says. Now that has been taken away what remains?

People don’t need to resort to violence when they have a peaceful outlet for conflict resolution. When it’s made loud and clear that people who resist control cannot resist peacefully it’s as being told that only violence will be respected. The Police have been violent since Day 1 while the revolt has shown incredible levels of restraint. The State now insists that future protest must move on to a new violent phase. They have made their quarry so desperate that if they had triggers to pull they would have used them in retaliation today. Tomorrow they might take up the tools that have been used on them and even guns and bombs. Then the Police will certainly shoot back and New Zealand will be in armed revolt if not civil war.

“Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern and National leader Christopher Luxon are among numerous politicians who have expressed their “anger” and “distress” on social media this afternoon as police stormed Parliament’s front lawn to disperse rioting protesters.” – Newshub (March 2022) having a laugh at us

If electorate offices, COVID testing stations, media compounds, accademic cloisters etc. are now targets for violent reprisal it’s at the insistance of Labour 6.0 and the enforcement branch they appointed. It’s hateful that New Zealand has been put into this position because our political staff are both so desperate to hang on to their slipping power and are so short-sited as not to see what they have brought down on us all. If this isn’t yet obvious then the first flaming police car on the 6 o’oclock news should clear things right up. Or the first mainstream media report to be fired upon, or the destruction of a political shop front.

Libertarians, especially Anarchists, want peaceful solutions to solve our simple and complex social problems. Unfortunately most people are not Libertarians, they are Statists. The February Revolt, as observed earlier, is made up of Statists. When put into trauma they defaulted at the start and at the end with appeals to The State. They wanted the Prime Minister or some politician to talk to them, to free them. They wanted the State media to tell the truth. It doesn’t occur to the Statist to set himself free or create his own society. When not being poked and molested they up-regulated into a higher state of being, a community, a village. It is very hard to stay In Self when you are being deliberately triggered by master sociopaths!

A passive resistance Slave Culture tactic works on Victimhood Culture. However, it’s useless against Honor Culture which will have no empathy but cut a path through Slaves and pity the weak “fools” who thought they could change the world with peace. New Zealand’s Honor Culture has well and truly been marked as clear and present by this event. It’s a turning point in the way we will treat one another from here on in. I’ve posted many times that I wished we had now come far enough as a society to make transitions like these without war and violence.

That development was never going to be possible under Statist leadership; It couldn’t have come from the police. It must come, and it was coming, organically from the people. I think it was being born like a hatchling coming out of its egg and it was going to make a dove. Now though, the hatchling has been pepper sprayed and attacked by predators who tried to abort it mid-birth. Now, since they failed to kill it, I think it will emerge from the shell pissed off, stunted, and weird. A raptor will hatch out now looking for pay back. Some people representing that have been put into police custody today most most will not have been. Mainstream Statist New Zealand fired live shots at its disenfranchised people and now, I predict, you’ll get hit by the ricochet.

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