February 23, 2025 - Personal blog of Rick Giles

Slashing Tyres, Taking Fingers

May 10, 2022


Once every 20 years of so New Zealand, and the West, sounds a barbaric yawp over the roofs of the world. A particular Moral Culture comes over us that is different for each generation but it’s a culture rooted in the same logos as all the previous iterations. Cultures are not museum pieces, they are the working machinery of everyday life (Thomas Sowell.) The Moral Culture we are in now, in 2022, is called Honour Culture.

How do we know we’re in Honour Culture rather than any of the other 3 Moral Cultures? The basic formula is as follows: “Hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men, and weak men create hard times.”- G.M. Hopf

New Zealand’s ‘good times’ are in the rear-view mirror and the product, ‘weak people’, are very fresh in our memory. We had our Victimhood Culture years ago. Do you remember people clambering about ‘Me Too’ and ‘Black Lives Matter’ and ‘Gimme Safe Space’ trying to use their (or someone else’s) contrived victimhood status to grab power and fame? Then came Slave Culture: Weak men, hard times. What could be more enslaving that these past 2 years of lockdown and the obvious result in the form of a vandalised economy?

“Honour Culture is followed by Dignity Culture which in turn is followed by Victimhood Culture then Slave Culture. Slave Culture is succeeded by Honour Culture and around we go again.” – Cycle of Moral Cultures, AHNZ

It’s Summer for Slave Culture
It’s Autumn for Victimhood Culture
It’s Winter for Dignity Culture
It’s Springtime for Honour Culture
Ref. COVID-19: Moral Cultures React!

“These are the actions of Honour Culture New Zealanders, the rising ethic of people who do for themselves rather than cry out for someone else to be their keeper. I think we’re seeing more and more of this and it’s a real contrast to other headlines.” – Honour Culture Countdown, NZB3 (May 2021)

Honour Culture (HC) is always around, somewhere, waiting to be our mainstream again. The Honour Cultist takes things personally and solves problems personally. If something breaks he fixes it himself. If someone steps out of line he puts them in his place. He doesn’t complain until someone else rights wrongs, he doesn’t create a petition or a press conference, and nor does he inform the proper authorities from his rolodex to get out and do their job. He’s a very practical person.

So many of the mainstream news headlines reflect how powerful in the culture the HC force is becoming every day. Much of the HC activity is criminal. For example, the new young generation setting out take by force the things they find valuable. Ref. Youth crime ram raid spree:.., NZ Herald (May 2022)

The obvious next thing, already begun, is that HC criminals will be met by an HC response. Those being attacked will inevitably realise that they cannot defend against HC by playing a Victimhood Card or a Slave Card. The HC will go through those responses like a knife through butter, laughing and pitying the fools without mercy. Nor will government or its policemen our courts protect us from the HC. New Zealanders will soon discover that when seconds count the police are minutes away and in any case too busy chasing trends and trying to be politically popular to withstand the crime wave.

“Waikato mayor Allan Sanson said the attack happened after the tanker driver tried to push past a group of boy racers who were blocking the road. Sanson said the tanker driver tried to nudge through the group and they took offence. He said one of the group opened a valve on the tanker spilling the milk. The area is a regular weekend haunt for boy racers, the mayor said.” – Police seek offenders after milk tanker damaged in Waikato, RNZ (March 2022)

“The awkward reality of youth crime is that just when you think you’ve got them figured out, the next lot smash through the glass wall into adolescence. Over the past few months, some of them have been doing it literally.”” – The carnage of youth: Are ram raids a fad, or are we entering the age of the bollard?, Stuff (May 2022)

“Armed robbers have hit an Auckland dairy for the second time in three weeks, leaving the shopkeeper frightened about what will happen next time. Knives were the weapon of choice this time – last time, it was machetes.” – Newshub (May 2022)

“A resident in Rotorua’s Western Heights says she is sleeping with a baseball bat by her bed due to street racing, violence, threats and a riot in her neighbourhood.” –RNZ (March 2022)

“Tauranga bus drivers will no longer stop at three of the city’s main bus stops if they see youths gathered.” – First Union: Bus drivers have no option but to avoid key stops for their own safety, Newstalk ZB (May 2022)

NZB3 has long predicted that the Victimhood Culture branded Prime Minister, Ardern, will not be able to make the transition to Honour Culture. New Zealanders will, as usual, demand an Honour Culture tough-on-crime response to meet a new Honour Culture era. Closer to the election (as not to peak too soon) we will certainly see our politicians trying to out-bid each other when it comes to who the meanest toughest crime avenger is. The National Party usually wins that contest but I’m sure people like Stuart Nash will make a strong case for why they should be the new PM.

As for the public, we are learning that we must protect ourselves directly. Dairies are fortified and armed with weapons. Retail outlets are agitating to place anti-ram-raid bollards outside in the streets. Bruce Burr and his son Shaun not only defended their home and farm personally from representatives of the HC crime wave but they cut off the repeat offender’s finger. That’s a very HC method of personally dealing with an ongoing crime problem and a response the Burrs are being tried for before the High Court right now. Ref. ‘It wasn’t a situation to run’, farmer accused of assaulting burglar tells jury, Newstalk ZB (May 2022)

It’s a mark of an Honour Culture time that public support favors what the Burrs did rather than condemn it out of hand as New Zealand’s mainstream would in a time of, for example, Victimhood Culture. Another marker of HC is that the Burrs, despite the high-profile and reputational risk, have no name suppression. They must have annoyed some very violent people who would like to pay them back in the long run as well as some polite society people who will now not wish to take their kids for school trips to Burr Farm; Yet their names are very public. The HC doesn’t hide who he is as a rule because everything is personal and bound up in reputation.

Turning our homes and places of business into forts, hiding our cattle from the road by night, raids on tankers, and cutting off body parts…..it’s contemporary New Zealand now. Yet, it sounds medieval or futuristic distopian like Mad Max. New Zealand, particularly the North Island, is having a very hard and violent Honour Culture period right now. It’s possible that this country has not been in such a Warlord phase since pre-colonial times when Maoris lived in fortified bases and made regular homicidal raids upon each other and took body parts as trophies and as humiliating warnings. New Zealand has regressed to the state Captain Cook found it in!

“They lived behind defended fortifications, afraid of their neighbours. Going outside their Safe Spaces was done in armed sorties on foot and in canoes (waka.) Later on in Cook’s visit his Maori guests were terrified of being dropped back to a part of the Poverty Bay coast outside the narrow corridor of safety. It was such a violent hot-spot that they knew they’d be slaughtered and eaten by their countrymen if caught.” – 1769: Cook Rediscovers New Zealand, AHNZ

There has been another outburst of criminal behavior reported this week. A copy-cat crime showing that New Zealand, as per usual, is a cultural colony of the West…

Climate activists deflate SUV tyres in wealthy London neighbourhoods, The Guardian (March 2022)

“A global vigilante climate group are targeting utes and sports utility vehicles (SUV) in Auckland, deflating tyres across the suburbs of Sandringham and Mt Eden. A group called the Tyre Extinguishers have taken credit.” – ‘It’s not you, it’s your car’: Vigilante climate group deflate SUV tyres across Auckland, Stuff (May 2022)

This form of Climate Activism also belongs in the mix of honour culture. Here are people taking direct action to get their needs met rather than rely on institutions or crying for mercy. There’s some self-deception about it because they think they’re not hurting anybody, just the car. What will they say when someone drives off with one of the vandalised cars in a hurry and it causes a potentially fatal car accident?

The crime profile is partly Honour Culture because of the direct action but it’s not personal because the identity is hidden, albeit hidden behind a note on the windscreen attributed to an anonymous source. So, this sort of culture is really a form of Slave Culture that’s closer than usual to touching its concrete-mindset cousin Honour Culture. The Climate Environmentalists are Slave Culture phenomena, as proven by their urge to solve their perceived problems by powering down energy and sacrificing productivity to the ‘gods’ of climate. Sneeking in an letting someone’s tyres down is equivalent to poisoning someone or putting a pin of their chair or throwing a dark at their back when nobody can see who did it. When an Honour Culture person comes at you they do it man-to-man not anonymously (mitigated by not wishing the police to be able to ID them so they can lay charges.) So, the tyre slashing is a desperate outburst from a dying Moral Culture that will soon pass away. They are probably very upset that their special cause has been displaced by COVID and The Ukrane Crisis and Abortion Reform and this vandalism is an extinction burst.

If the Tyre Extinguishers don’t simply lose moral and quit on their own then sooner or later they will be stopped by Honour Culture. Someone, perhaps a Remuera version of Farmer Burr, will catch an Extinguisher in the act and deal to them personally. They, being Slave Culture, will have no resistance to that and the thought of losing their anonymity will break them completely.


Note: So here’s an on-brand Victimhood Culture response to HC crime kinds!…”Huffer Director Kate Berry told Heather Du Plessis Allan we could launch a social media campaign on the likes of TikTok. “To say ‘crime is not ok’ and actually, these people should put their time and efforts into positive educational facilities rather than destroying the fronts of our stores.”” Ref. Newstalk ZB (May 2022)

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