January 22, 2025 - Personal blog of Rick Giles

Hit Me With Your Best Shot

July 29, 2022


The West, and New Zealand, are very much in Slave Culture mode. Others call it Clown World. July 2022 started out with some clear signals of Ritualistic Slave Cult behavior and it has ended with it too now that Tom Hanks and Pat Benatar have self-mutilated too just to try to stay ‘cool’ with the Current Thing.

Early in the month Wellington Zoo secured for itself the ‘Rainbow Tick’ (which sounds like a parasitical infection…) to align their business model with sex/gender deviants. Friends co-creator Marta Kauffman attacked her own sitcom that made her rich and successful for its not having enough black friends in the show and gave away millions of dollars as a ‘sorry.’ At the same time, Kiwi children’s author Lynley Dodd was remarkable for not self-attacking. Ref. Hairy Maclary, Wellington Zoo, and Friends, NZB3 (July 2022)

What is this Slave Culture thing anyway? The short answer is that it is a human mode of interacting with the world based on submission and sacrifice. The Slave gets their needs met by identifying someone else as their Alpha and manipulating them into giving them value. For example, animals do this when they play dead as a strategy to not have to fight and perhaps not be eaten. This response exists in humans too and has been recruited into our very culture.

The latest symbolic cultural surrenders to top off the month come from Tom Hanks, Pat Benatar, and Australia’s Manly Warringah Sea Eagles league team.

Hanks (image above) is not really Woke, not really part of the modern Victimhood Culture that preceded our current era of Slave Culture. Like Kauffman, Dodd, and Benatar, he’s of a different generation and can’t really fit in. It’s not in their heart. Mannerisms, character, life history etc. are not Millennial. They absolutely cannot be part of the Current Thing. They were part of an earlier Current Thing. The Old Conformity, not the New Conformity. That creates a problem because to remain popular and keep getting jobs and publishing requires that one be within the current Conformity. If you’re not in the Conformity group you get Cancelled. You don’t have access to markets, to positive publicity, or the ability to associate with anyone who does because they can’t be seen with you. What can Hanks do about this?

Slave Culture and Ritualism is the next best thing. Fake it. Submit. You can’t be it but the value you can offer is to bow at the alter of the Current Thing. To ritualistically act out the moves and say the right lines, salute the right flags, wear the right colours, display the right ribbons and ticks. Sociologist Robert Merton called this group in our society the Ritualistic group. If there is any doubt that Slave Culture subservient people are dominating today just look around you at the Ritualistic wearing of useless face masks to ward off danger. Not to mention all the other Ritualistic things the mainstream to without basis in reality. They bend over backwards so much, sacrifice so much. They even let the government jab them multiple times and lock them down over and over.

“Most people booted out of the Conformity try to make out they are still in it. Remember all those prospects and the access they get. And they would be stunned to be identified as a Deviant. What they really are is in Merton’s Ritualism group. They go through the motions of check points, MIQ, masks, jabs, nose tests, social distancing, checking in, lockdowns etc as the price of being in the Conformity group. They don’t really believe. Their hearts are not in it. They are performing rituals.” – It is a kind of death, NZB3 (2021)

Tom Hanks Says a Straight Actor Wouldn’t Do ‘Philadelphia’ Today: ‘We’re Beyond That Now’ – indiewire.com (June 2022)

Pat Benatar won’t perform ‘Hit Me with Your Best Shot’ anymore, Newshub (June 2022)

Australian rugby league players boycott game over Pride-themed jerseys, Washington Post (June 2022)

Pat Benatar’s not a Millennial Wokester any more than Tom Hanks. She’s still Hit Me With Your Best Shot girl. But is Slavishly aping the New Conformity to stay in that light. So she does’t get J.K.Rolled (Cancelled.) She has attacked and repudiated her best song in an act of Slave Culture submission just in case people think it ‘fire away’ and ‘best shot’ might be pro-gun! Note that she’ll still be collecting royalties on the music it’s just the live performance she’s pulling back on (as if she had much more in the tank for performing anyway…)

Tom Hanks, likewise, is still the man who got paid millions and took praise and awards for his performances back then. But he’s Slavishly trying to stay in the new Conformity group

by repudiating his back catalog too. Because he wasn’t really a gay man with terminal aids so how could he play one? No. That would be a rational question. What he is doing isn’t subject to that sort of logic. But in Slave Culture logic it all becomes clear.

The Sea Eagles cap it all off. Like Wellington Zoo, their brand manager figured that painting rainbows on their biological capital would place them safely into the New Conformity. Everyone’s doing it. Simple Ritualistic gesture to keep you from being Cancelled. Small fee/koha paid to some local LGBT-XYZ² to let you retrofit your existing shirts and signs and you’re away. Except that, in this case, the Eagles have minds of their own unlike zoo animals who couldn’t object if they’d wanted to. Several players are refusing to go along with the new Ritualistic fake Slave branding. This is an inkling of the next Moral Culture history cycle to come: Honour Culture.

Image ref. 6sqft.com

Ref. Moral Cultures, AHNZ

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