February 23, 2025 - Personal blog of Rick Giles

“Countries need slaves to prop them up”

August 7, 2022


The recent AHNZ post about the Moerewa Riot of 1979 rightly traced modern gangs to their origins in government programs. These worker migrant programs and government urban projects (eg The Otara Project) fed the New Zealand economy like cheap carbohydrates fuel your body. It allowed for quick energy and rapid growth in the post-war boom era as did the new arterial motorways created to pump value up and down the body of our New Zealand Leviathan.

If this analogy sounds a bit Fractal then it’s quite deliberate. New Zealand is a corporate organism totally analogous to the human body. Just as your body can fill up on cheap fuel energy like carbohydrates so can a nation fill its labour market with cheap low-skill imported workers, and we did. The results are also the same: The carb’ crash. In your body it will be hours later, in a nation: years.

“…symptoms include.. high blood sugar, fatigue, drowsiness, hunger, mood fluctuations, headaches, bad skin, poor digestion, early death, obesity, a compliant will.” AHNZ (2018)

Key to understanding this crash is being educated about what biologists call Inclusive Fitness. We relate to our fellow man and will cooperate with him according to how much or little he shares in our own values and goals. From a strict genetic standpoint you would give your life for your clone/twin because they have identical genetics to you. Or, the same math holds for two siblings or 8 cousins and so on according to genetic relatedness.

“natural selection favors genetic success, not reproductive success per se. It recognizes that individuals can pass copies of their genes on to future generations through direct parentage (the rearing of offspring and grand-offspring) as well as indirectly by assisting the reproduction of close relatives (such as nieces and nephews) ” – Hamilton’s Rule, Britannica

“Experiments show that people get most fired up when norms are threatened by an out group. Maori (as a culture) is an out-group…When Guyon Espiner starts reeling it off on Morning Report it really pushes buttons. As Jon Haidt says: “there is a human need to live in a stable and coherent moral order”. – John Hurley, comment to AHNZ (2022)

“Why would it be beneficial for females to stop being able to have children with decades still left to live?” – 1990s: Bye Grandma, AHNZ

“We don’t know each other, don’t look out for one another, don’t have informal networks to keep our property and families safe. Part of that is that the chief agents, women, stopped doing that and became workers. Another part is that men stopped being trusted as protectors or even safe around children.” – 1990s: Social Capital Tanks, AHNZ

“You’re gonna have to serve somebody. Well, it may be the devil or it may be the Lord, but you’re gonna have to serve somebody” – Bob Dylan

To Darwin’s Reproductive Fitness can be added Inclusive Fitness, showing it’s about the genes as well as the individual agent that counts. Likewise, as Richard Dawkins has shown, there is also Memetic Fitness to consider. All 3 of these forces operating in nature, and others besides, call on an individual animal to serve them. Do you give your life to the service of your ego, your country, your religion, your race, your species, your population, your family, your genes, your tribe? Ideally these competing forces are aligned but frequently they come into conflict and are the gods that push mortals around the earth like chessmen. Our literature and our news headlines are full of individuals grappling with such conflicts; Who do you serve and who do you trust?

When National 1.0’s Minister Stan Goosman gave New Zealand its first motorways and the Otara Project who was he serving? The New Zealand corporate organism gained new blood with the immigrants, a stronger beating heart in Auckland, new organs to the south and north with longer/thicker/faster new arteries to carry the ‘blood’ in and out from that port city. New Zealand’s first motorways replaced the slow can congested circulatory system of rail. The same government bridged Auckland Harbour, making a vestigial organ of the old ferry boat system. New Zealand as a corporate organism was evolving into a higher form and Stan was the great servant of this change.

Our Leviathan’s nervous system, too, evolved just like the human body has. Once our mail was carried by whaler ships and Maori runners, then dedicated ships and coaches, then trains and telegraph, telephone, then radio, television, and now digital packets ‘online’. “Radio will soon be as necessary for the mind of an active citizen as water is for the human body,” Labour 1.0 Prime Minister M.J. Savage told his nation. Ref. 1937: The Most Powerful Radio Transmitter in the Southern Hemisphere, AHNZ

The decision was made to fuel the post-war boom with human carbohydrates- immigrant labour. Instead of higher wages, higher-value workers, higher value products, our country evolved in a different direction. Our path led us away from being a value-added economy and we shut down the more high-end industries we had nurtured before. Also, we lobotomised our intellectual function which had been a world leading (eg. in medicine, physics,…) in favor of importing ideas from Britain and America. So now we don’t mine our coal and minerals, we import it. We export timber and buy it back, value-added, from other countries. We export education and children and buy back their expertise as imported goods and services.

This may have been the right evolutionary path or the only one for New Zealand but it comes at a cost. It’s time to pay off that groundwork earlier about Inclusive Fitness.

Demographics is destiny. New Zealand’s demographic composition now consists of numerous factions who live in conflict toward each other. The body of our country, in its haste to grow, has had grafted onto it a Frankenstein patchwork of many groups who do not share the same in-group loyalty to one another. The cells that make up the body of New Zealand are increasingly rejecting each other the way the human body rejects foreign tissue. As these demographic groups grow (which they do at differing breading rates) so will the conflict. Drugs can stop a body from rejecting tissue and entire organs and the drug of propaganda and phony crisis can do that for a nation too. For how long?

New Zealand has a huge in-group/out-group problem to solve which we created for ourselves in exchange for temporary growth. That was the post-war boom that also birthed the Baby Boomer Generation, now elderly. We elected to include in Project New Zealand very many outsiders who have no loyalty or comprehension or interest in Project New Zealand. Indeed, we have all had to back down on Project New Zealand and not talk about Western values or civilisation in order not to upset them. This has advanced to talking down of such things and even outright hostility (eg tearing out the statues of the Founders.)

Worse still, agitators jump up and down on the fault lines of tension between groups. There are strong tectonic forces of mutual distrust between groups who know very well that their version of Inclusive Fitness is not the same as the next group. We have different ‘projects’, different agendas, different values, different religions, entirely different epistemologies, different reproductive strategies, different languages, different dialects, different pronunciations, different names for things. Instead of an open society we have a gene/meme war which has usually been a Cold War. The coldness is due mostly to Anglo Zelandians becoming proportionally suppressed and repressed as tensions require it. Meanwhile, shock jocks like Guyon Espiner or Marcus Lush agitate the tensions which threaten to make a Cold War hot and call it a broadcasting career.

I know from writing New Zealand history what it’s like to experience these tensions. Frequently someone will say words like “you knew him personally? Wow tell us more lol” or “gee, you must be really old to know 1800s history” or “How do you know, were you there?” That’s someone from a different culture with a low IQ, a member of Concrete Culture, not advanced enough to participate in the discipline of history. There are also lots of people around who say things like “I know my Tainui Heritage where in the world did you originate so i can blaspheme your Ancestors with my narrative an propaganda, ” or “I bet you don’t have the balls to say that face to face.” These are foreigners to Anglo Zealandia, a Personality Culture, highly sensitive to slight and only able to interpret text as an insult to rebuke or a tribute; Basic primate monkey hierarchy games. They too have no capacity for humanities or science. Thus far they have been coddled and accommodated by the mainstream- eg. Māui the Geneticist, NZB3

It is not the inclusion of immigrants into Project New Zealand that dooms us but our inability to get along. To pull for the same team, to mitigate the disparity in Inclusive Fitness. If we cannot do that we will not be a civilisation or a society. Our land will be fought over and go to someone else with a more coherent national identity, or revert to barbarism.

Do Countries Need Slaves?

The following conversation from AHNZ is embedded in the above framework. At least, from my point of view. I don’t accept the term ‘slaves’ the way Grant Philpott is using it to apply to Pacific Zelandians and nor do I care to dispute it. Better to get on with the conversation…
Grant to AHNZ: Countries need slaves to prop them up. It’s as old as time. That’s why the democrats opened America’s southern borders and there is already talk of the American government letting illegal immigrants work for the government.

AHNZ:  I don’t think you can economically prove that. But I do think that when the mainstream is r-selected they will try to flood the population with more people like them wherever they can be found.

GP: They can’t find enough workers for all the slave jobs here. Like fruit picking. Look how many issues the country has had with slave workers recently.

AHNZ: No doubt. That’s not to prove that our economy needs to run on such fuel. It’s an interesting topic though I’m happy to deepen.

Think of a fireplace as an economy. You can burn low-energy stuff like sawdust or cardboard. You can move it up to willow, to rata. To coal. To oil, to gas, to electricity. To atomic decay,..
Why suppose we require ‘junk food’ to feed our nation? We’ve developed beyond that evolutionary phase of organism so that it’s now a choice to use rich fuel or ‘slave’ fuel.

GP: I couldn’t understand your analogy.

AHNZ: It’s a pretty great analogy.

I agree with you that a primitive organism burns cheap plentiful fuel. Cardboard rather than coal. Noodles rather than steak. Wetbacks rather than domestic youth. But as you also seem to realise a more developed organism shifts to the better kind of fuel. Superior, more highly skilled and highly valued and highly paid workers. New Zealand is, or had, passed the point of being Third World enough to need slave labour.

GP: Low wage slave workers are needed to bring a country up to a point where it can compete with other countries in “richness”. Remember when cheap products were made in Japan, Hong Kong, Taiwan, then China. Each of these countries used cheap and slave labour to advance their economies while crippling manufacturing in other countries.

As each of these countries reached reasonable standards of living for everyone, they became uncompetitive and other countries took over. We have to import slave labour here because those that would normally take that sort of work collect a benefit. That’s why it’s fruit pickers from the islands and rest home staff from poor Asian countries are employed. They will take low pay because it’s better than what they would get at home.
Remember the Maori’s practiced extensive slavery. Large numbers of slaves were used to provide goods for the Europeans coming to the country. In return the slave owners got European tools, produce and luxuries.
Forty years ago I lived in Los Angeles with a Mexican American family. They hated the Latino “Wetbacks” for illegally entering the country because they took the low paying jobs at slave rates and undercut the Mexicans who legally lived in the USA.

AHNZ:  Only primitive economies need slaves. It’s bad ‘food’ we resorted to post-war because there was not enough quality ‘food’ to power our labour market during a booming expantion time.

GP: I wonder when we will get to see an economy that is advanced. All I see is corruption. But then again I was trained in spotting corruption.

AHNZ: Parasitism, whatever else it is, is a sign of a healthy host body. We carry them.

GP: Did you see he news item about the Auckland council spending 25 million dollars on 550 metres of storm water drain for a housing development. That’s our rates money going on some housing development. And when I do some checking the director of the company appears to have a very dubious friend and his company is owned by an Australian company, that just happens to be owned by the New Zealand company. I wonder who got the kickbacks on that deal.
AHNZ: Yip. And I love the one about $140,150 for 22,000 Chinese USB sticks. Another Auckland Council scam. But that’s all politics is to an Anarchist. [ref. Anarkiwi (2020)]
GP: We have shifted to an inefficient, corrupt bureaucracy heavy economy, which, I suspect, is what killed civilisations.

AHNZ: No, I think being able to carry those parasites is proof of health. But when they print money to fix inflation or lower speed limits to deal with broken roads or choke our energy supply (eg coal) that is a direct attack on the body of the nation. That’ll devolve or kill civilisation.

GP: It’s that old saying- the devil makes work for idol hands. And there are a lot of idol hands in bureaucracy.

AHNZ: Parkinson’s Law. Can’t solve a problem or else they’d be out of a job. On the contrary they wish to expand and extend any bureaucratic job.

GP: The only difference we have these days, is more machines to do some of the slave jobs.

AHNZ: No, we’ve had productivity gains. We don’t need slaves any more. But that’s under threat. We could go backwards. If we did we could go forwards again but in the meanwhile are likely to be deprived of the opportunity by another country more in command of its own identity.

GP: I have had enough of replying to you. Or reading your posts….Your propaganda makes you no different from the political parties. Hopefully, one day you will understand the meaning of anarchy.

AHNZ: I didn’t appreciate how ego-attached you were to slave-based economics. If you’re not prepared to let that go when better reason and evidence is presented then certainly you should retreat. Also, don’t start conversations about it in the first place with other thinkers and then you will never need to worry about being triggered into this fight/flight/freeze/fawn traumatic reaction. Thanks for bringing the topic up though.

Image ref. A group of Pacific people, mainly Samoans, celebrate Christmas with their bosses in an Auckland factory in 1975, Te Ara

Image ref. ‘Die For Tonga’ and other highly decorated Pacific Island cars (and graves) show how seriously these peoples take Inclusive Fitness. AHNZ Archives (April 2019)

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