January 22, 2025 - Personal blog of Rick Giles

Writing to the leader of the National Party on puppy-dog stationary

September 3, 2022


Woke up to a couple of Facebook posts back to back in my feed with a similarity worth sharing. It’s about Slave Culture.

The first one, ‘suggested for you’ from a page I don’t follow called Science Humour (image, left.) With 14,000+ shares and 5,000+ comments it is being talked about.

What the masses are talking about is which authority to believe, the media or the geologist?

This is a dispute between people who can’t think for themselves but only quibble about which Authority to abide by.

They can’t see that because it’s the water they swim in, the air they breathe. It’s their culture. I call it Slave Culture. Ref. Slave Culture, AHNZ

Scrolling down I immediately found another post along the same lines. Image, right.

This one comes from a group currently called Evidence Based Memes For Raf Simping Teens. I don’t know how I joined it but I’m glad to read the material posted there. It provides an insight into some late Gen X, early Millennial Kiwis who implicitly like the TOP Party and Gareth Morgan. In particular, they have a fantasy about living off other people’s money as justified by an inarguable fluffy concept called The UBI (Universal Basic Income.) They are the modern version of the far larger 1930s Social Credit fanclub. It’s priceless viewing for an economic naturalist. I think it’s the same mob who were excited about writing ‘Jedi’ on their census in the 2010s and getting married on a pirate ship with the blessing of the Flying Spaghetti Monster.

Their post is about writing to current National Party Leader Christopher Luxon. Despite being fresh on my feed it was written a week back.

The first comment frames up the similarity to the post above: “Ask him to do something. Not sure he actually has done anything since becoming leader of the National Party.” – Robin Thomsen

With all due respect to Mr Thomsen this is another group in the grips of Slave Culture. No wonder. It is our mainstream culture right now and for a little longer yet. When the mask-wearing social-distancing time-off-work-because-I-feel-sick-and-need-to-get-tested folk become a ritualistic un-cool minority then Slave Culture will be in the rear-view. When the retail-ram-raiding and MacDonalds security guard era and tough-on-crime politics comes into its own you’ll know that the next Moral Culture, Honour Culture, has New Zealand in its grips. Ref. We had to do something’: McDonald’s hires security guards, Newstalk ZB (August 2022)

Voting is a suggestion box for slaves. It’s pushed on you, facilitated, paid for, encouraged in order to seduce you into feeling as if you’ve been listened to by The State. Writing to the leader of the National Party with puppy-dog stationary is so much worse. You’re initiating your own Slave Suggestions at your own expense to deceive yourself unbidden. This is not being self-expressed. This is not being civic or acting to change your world. It’s begging by mail. If your spirit needs to do this ironically then so much the worse; Rather than stop taking the poison you’ve become inured to it and bitterness is setting in.

“Ask him to do something. Not sure he actually has done anything..” It’s not a politician’s job to do anything for you. That’s his cover story while he does things for his own gang and you’re buying into it.

The mainstream media is the most powerful tool the government has over us and it works hard to fascinate and trick us. Elections are another trick of the same sort. As recently covered on Anarchist History of New Zealand the next most powerful tool a Beehive politician has over us is our Local Government. These things are bad enough but what is worse is someone who writes a letter to Santa Luxton asking for good policy presents for Christmas. In being worse, it is hoped, the person doing this is much closer to an Anarkiwi revelation than the masses suppressed by these State crowd-control instruments.  Someone who keeps doing this enough and expects satisfaction will find none and learn to look elsewhere, within hopefully, for leadership. A personal meeting with Luxon would be even better than writing letters. The old adage that one should never meet one’s heroes is based on the fact they they will be be less heroic than you’d hoped coupled with the idea that this is a bad thing to avoid. Actually it’s a good thing to uncover a false hero. Then you’re liberated to seek a real one and with better detection antenna going forward.

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