January 28, 2025 - Personal blog of Rick Giles

National Intelligence Application

December 15, 2022


Another breach at the domestic spy institution using the National Intelligence Application. A staff member used the NIA to run a search request based on text messages from her civilian friend. Then, took photos of the screens and sent that to their friend who then shared it in a 10 person chat group! An abuse. Also an insight into how the NIA works.

A powerful tool for those who have the power and trust of the population. The article lists some of the recent abuses of it, including police officers sharing it with other gangs¹. So, I think this is worth sharing.

A good insight into how the State’s domestic spy system works and how it fails to uphold its standards too. Never trust the Government with secure information.

It also highlights why Labour 6.0 set up their own 105 crime call in centre to supplement/replace the old 111 centre. The next government will do the same. Otherwise, staff hired and controlled by the previous government will still be in control of this vital information rather than people loyal to your own banner.

As a side note, do you wonder why Labour 6.0 restructured the Health System in the middle of a pandemic? Clearly not for reasons of health. It’s so they, their people, their systems, will be in control. Likewise, Three Waters (among other reasons.)  Why centralise all the polytechs and try, but abort, centralising all ‘education’ in New Zealand? The answer is because they need to establish political control. Why change the name of Forestry New Zealand to New Zealand Forest Service and re-locate its head office? Control. Why re-organise the New Zealand Broadcasting Corporation (NZBC (an inspiration for the name of this website, NZB3)) in 1975 by splitting it up into radio and TV? Why does Labour 6.0 want to re-organise State radio and TV back into one entity again? Control! Ref. TVNZ and RNZ report growth ahead of merger, 1 News (15/12/2022)

“The police are spending about $2 million on an “education” campaign to tell us the phone number. Why? The old call line, 0800 555 111 or *555, or whatever, probably still routes to the previous Minister of Police (Paula Bennett, Judith Collins)” – NZB3 (2019)

“Stuart Nash seems to be pretty good at doing these conversions. He’s like a Sir Lancelot of the Ardern Round Table, sallying into the various realms. He arrives on his horse, subdues the walled bureaucratic villages to make them change their name and management and/or phone number and/or locus of operations as necessary, and rides away again.” – New Zealand Forest Service, NZB3

“”Another used it to access information about his Tinder matches.” – Police employee snoops through files, information shared to social media, Newstalk ZB (15/12/2022)

The National Intelligence Application is just another one of these political footballs. Those who have power take access, those who have access are empowered. These are the honeypots psychopaths seek out and we supercharge them with government monopoly and government money. This is why we can’t have a State.

1 Other than themselves

Image ref. The Dunedin Central Police Station District Command Centre. Photo / Peter McIntosh, NZH (2019)

Ref. 1976: Wanganui Computer Centre Act, AHNZ

Ref. 1982: Neil Roberts Day, AHNZ

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