February 23, 2025 - Personal blog of Rick Giles

Resolving Ericsonian Crises Upon School Kids

February 9, 2023


Suppose for a moment that you are a sick person, quite mentally ill. You’re consumed by a psychological crisis that’s tearing you apart. Maybe it’s too hot to handle right now so you fall back on a couple of the main textbook Freudian Defense Mechanisms: Denial, and Projection. Hopefully you’re going to get the help you need to resolve your Crisis but Defense Mechanisms will help you hold it together for now and even be a functional adult.

Seeking, finding, and associating with other people going through the same crisis is a great way to practice Denial. Be with people who exhibit the same symptoms as you do such as dressing the same ways, thinking the same ways, acting the same ways. It normalises your symptom profile so that you will not be confronted with the Crisis. You can forget the Crisis and help others in a similar bind forget theirs to. Get enough people together doing this and you can make an entire subculture out of it; Perhaps a cult or even a religion. That’s the Denial.

Projection, another option to employ along with Denial, is the exiling of thoughts and feelings and processes a subject is going through onto a third party. So, if your Crisis and even the very idea you are in Crisis is tearing you apart you can lump it off on someone else. “I’m not in Crisis, I have nothing to work through at all, these people over here do!” After all, it is supposed, if I have a physical burden to carry (eg. sack of firewood) it is possible to have someone else do that job for me so why not likewise offload emotional/cognitive/developmental Crises in the same way? When  re-parenting (aka resolution of a Developmental Crisis) needs to happen it’s very hard to block that fact out entirely. You’re using Will Power to fight reality and on a hiding to nothing. However, the matter as to who is responsible for that fact (eg me, eg someone else) is far less difficult. Now your Will Power and Narrative isn’t trying to fight Metaphysical Reality but Epistemological Reality and in this humans can hold their own for quite some time. Maybe even a lifetime.

OK, Person in Crisis, you now Know there is a Crisis but you’ve blanked out whose Crisis it is. Not yours, right? You can’t avoid, and do accept, that re-parenting is on the cards. Someone’s Inner Child is suffering from Original Pain or Trauma or Unresolved Crisis but it’s most definitely not you! It can’t be you because your ego can’t handle that possibility. Hence, the ego defenses of Denial and Projection. Who, then, is to be Re-Parented since it’s clearly not you? Who do you experience as actually being in very bloody desperate need of said Re-Parenting? Who do you want to signal loudly to yourself, your fellow-sufferers, and society at large is the real and obvious group that needs the educating, the therapy, the Re-Parenting, the narrative correction? Number 1: Not you. Number 2: Not your fellow-sufferers. Number 3: Children. Of course!

The energy of the Crisis within you demanding to be resolved, for a healing path to be taken, can be contained and re-directed this way. It becomes captive to the belief that other people, not you, live in painful self-denial and Group Think. Somebody must be confronted by the Crisis at issue. It must be brought to their attention and a response absolutely insisted upon. For the person not dealing with their own Crisis that person is never themselves it is others. Their attitude to outsiders, therefore, will be that they are apathetic and sleeping and ignorant and complicit and blind. Why can’t those outsiders engage in this huge and urgent Crisis of mine for me their own? As the Crisis wells up and burns to supernova proportions the containment field grows proportionally stronger. We do indeed find in the attitudes of these in-Crisis people the conviction that those who do not share in their particular Crisis need the Crisis shoved in their faces. It’s the most urgent thing in the world. Everything from fashion to billboards, movies to food, street furniture to political policy is re-designed in order to MAKE outsiders confront the toxic Crisis as if it were their problem not yours.

How can this belief, this elaborated Projection narrative, be sustained unless it is continued to be taken seriously? To incorporate, to organise, to expand, to go on tour, to make art and literature! If Crisis people simply confined themselves to weekly meetings in public halls with tea and cigarettes and bitter complaining that would not contain the Crisis. Only a credible conviction, taking the Projection seriously, will allow it to continue. So, the toxic Crisis bleeds out and confronts the unaffiliated community outside with the demand that they partake of the Crisis. Misery loves company. Extreme misery loves parading. Extended society now becomes infected and increasingly confronted by acute social discomfort. During times of high trait Openness these Crisis folk really explode because there are few outsiders to the Crises in command of the personal boundaries it would take to push back. The lunatics start running the asylum.

The lunatics, in particular, want to pour this re-parenting energy into an outreach program toward children. After all, it’s children who need parenting in this world isn’t it? Certainly not themselves. Nope. Never that. And not people like them or their in-group. Nope. Never that. Crusading into the nation’s schools and children’s libraries shows the in-group they are serious about their convictions which holds their Crisis at bay and so unresolved. It pacifies this angry Crisis god by feeding it the substitute acknowledgement that, yes, re-parenting needs to occur and, “Look, I’m doing it!”

In the famous Eric Ericson model of basic Developmental Human Psychology that everyone knows and learns these Crises come in 8 stages. Here is my updated chart to demonstrate the Crisis-afflicted Acting Out their pyschodrama in public…

Psychosocial Stage/Crisis Age Events and Activities at this Stage/Crisis Synthesis Virtue
Trust vs. Mistrust 0-1 So-called Environmentalists, Malthusians really, are consumed by misanthropy. They hate their fellow man so much and all the great works and technology we have built. One way they emote this is by talking about how The Planet or Nature is better off without humans and how great it would be to reduce the population. You’re the population they want to reduce, of course, not themselves.

They have various rationalisations for why we’re doomed because every Crisis is autobiographical.  disasters, fires, floods and killer bees…Climate Change. “The planet is on f—ing fire!” says Bill Nye, Greta Tintin Thunberg, and the co-leaders of our Greens-Forest- and-Bird Party.

The gist is mistrust and distrust toward civilisation/society/humankind. They spew their own toxic Crisis onto children and for a moment get a synthetic substitute version of the Hope they are depriving themselves of. This is highly prevalent in the 2020s and I’m sorry to say it’s the Crisis befitting a pre-toddler.

On the flip side this category would also include a Crisis Actor who promote toxic over-trust onto others. What we all need for Hope is to find the Aristotelian mean of Trusting not to simply trust blindly and be exposed to danger. That will not get someone to Hope but a delusional sham simulacrum.

Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt 1-3 Many children are subjected to school visits and permanent school staff who thwart their journey to Will Power. It’s impossible to have a Will when you don’t have a Way.

‘It’s OK to be White’ is a controversial thing to say in the 2020s. Being White is bad enough but being male…wo, you’re in big trouble now. Massive Shame and Doubt upon you! Feminists and their beta supporters love to crush anyone with authentic genuine identity of any sort and white males have been their primary targets. The subject is so ashamed and questioning of himself he cannot act; He is unable to be spontaneous, self-expressed, and autonomous. He is deprived of the precursor to Will.

Gender and race shaming are not the only form taken. Certain races, ‘minorities’ and ‘blacks’ or ‘the diverse ones’ (whatever that means? Non-white.) Are given Affirmative Action promotions. They’re put in a ghetto, a subset of success,  with special awards or teams. A music award not for the best artist but best Maori artist. A team not for rugby players but Maori ones. Or women players, etc. Those who buy in to this don’t really have Will Power but a fake version. Their heads are full of the idea they’ve been successful but they’ve only been successful subject to provisions. Graduates, even doctors, go into the workforce being told they’re as good as the candidates who did not get extra money and support but deep down they fell like impostors filled with shame and doubt. Some of them visit schools and re-infect the audiences all over again by doing what was done to them.

Ref. The 45 Year Old Junior Doctor, The 57 Year Old Police Rookie

Ref. “It had its DNA changed by Māui”, Te Pae Oranga, “when the justice system takes into account where maori have come from”

Will Power
Initiative vs. Guilt 6-11 School children are frequently paid a visit by travelling shows of Guilty men who lecture them about Guilt. They’ve done something wrong and are wallowing in it. Rather than find their true Purpose by Re-Parenting themselves they are convinced that spreading this toxic guilt to children is purposeful. They might get the kids fretting about not recycling or not being ‘inclusive’ enough but it’s a Trojan Horse; The point is to take them on a guilt-trip.

These people have been substance abusers or domestic abusers. Some of the people on grand tours of our schools were in horrific car accidents and killed loved ones. So, now they’ve got to guilt children under the pretense of talking about seat belts and safe speeds. They have a Power Point show with photos of bloody and maimed crashes to expose the kids to so that they can drink in the horror on their faces and, for a moment, feel in as if they have the initiative.

Think also of the parents suffering from guilt from avoiding legitimate and therapeutic grief at the death of their children. The parents of murdered young women like Grace Millane, Sophie Elliot launch campaigns for political change or lecture auditoriums full of children to their dying day rather than grow up beyond the age of 11.

Kids afflicted with this pattern on and try to get their own needs met and find their own purpose by guilting others into acting for them. It’s bad Attachment and a substitute for true Initiative.

Industry vs. Inferiority Adolescence Those who cannot do, teach.

Our schools and universities are filled with scholars who never became competent. Their arrested development traps them at an Adolescent stage of life where they remain Inferior. In the school they present as ‘youthful’ and fun.

A ‘Welcome Back Kotter’ or Mr Keating (Dead Poets’ Society) or Miss G (Cracks) or Ralph Hinkley (Greatest American Hero,) Walter White (Breaking Bad,) Miss Honey (Matilda,) the list goes on. They’re a youthful, liked, and competent teacher while on the clock. After hours they’re nobodies. There is some good art about teachers like these (men, of course. Women are always competent…) resolving their Crisis and finding competence. Eg. or Dewey Finn (School of Rock.)

Identity vs. Role Confusion Young-Adulthood Our country, along with the West, is being hit hard by Identity-Confused Young Adults. Worse, people aged well into Mid-Adulthood who are years behind in finding their Identity and the virtue of Reliability.

Many of the most extreme Role-Confused double-down on their Crisis by inflicting it on  kids in public libraries and public schools. They call it Rainbow Storytime. They are facilitated by paid ‘teachers’ who are paid by the State to perform similar acts as well as  Ethnomasochism and Misandry on a full or part-time basis as their vocation. Others who are high in the personality trait of Openness stand by and perhaps wave a rainbow flag.

Intimacy vs. Isolation Mid-Adulthood Pink Floyd’s The Happiest Days of Our Lives mentions ‘teachers’ well into Mid-Adulthood who have failed to find the virtue of love and instead act out their Crisis by hurting children…

When we grew up and went to schoolThere were certain teachers who wouldHurt the children any way they couldBy pouring their derisionUpon anything we didAnd exposing every weaknessHowever carefully hidden by the kidsBut in the town it was well knownWhen they got home at night, their fat andPsycopathic wives would thrash themWithin inches of their lives

Generativity vs. Self-Absorption Mid Adulthood Plenty of lecturers, teachers, and guest-speakers come to school with a false act of giving and caring and sharing when really they’re there to feed. Politicians on school grounds are certain to be in this category every single time.

They’re not there for you at all. They don’t know what it is to Care because they never achieved that Synthesis. They are self-absorbed, in it for the photo op and to be able to tell their circle they are doing something important for the kids today. It’s a boost to their false self to take the state and talk all about their sporting exploits or how come it is they’re so good looking and talented etc. The narcissistic visitor didn’t come to give but to take. When they’re not being artificially animated by an audience listening to how great they are they are very sad and lonely.

To the kids that internalise this message it becomes a toxic template for them to replicate Self-Absorption and think they’re virtuous.

Integrity vs. Despair Old Age Failure to achieve some or all of the above virtues might lead to giving up rather than sticking with the project. Some of us have given up and that’s a pain in itself. As with the other categories these people do not suffer in silence.

Here is your miserable and dejected school teacher. The soul-dead. Lost all passion for his subject and his responsibility. Integrity to Development has been abandoned and now they bleed out their failure. Slumped over they drone out the school lessons, “Bueller….Bueller…” and crush the integrity spirit out of kids wherever they find it. They have a lot of anger and sometimes that’s the part that presents: “I GOT YOU FOR THE REST OF YOUR NATURAL-BORN LIFE IF YOU DON’T WATCH YOUR STEP” (ref. Breakfast Club.) Tend to be old because they have to believe that for the old it is too late to have an epiphany but this is incorrect.

There are some good films and literature about infected schools like this into which comes a new teacher who puts a rocket up the institution and perhaps even revives the despaired back to life. Gandalf did this for Theoden (Lord of the Rings.)

“These impossible redeeming characters have been played by Sidney Poitier (To Sir, with Love, 1967,) Morgan Freeman (Lean on Me, 1989,) Robin Williams (Dead Poets Society, 1989,) Albert Finney (The Browning Version, 1994,) Michelle Pfeiffer (Dangerous Minds, 1995,) Jack Black (School of Rock, 2003,) and Hilary Swank (Freedom Writers, 2007.) Often they have really great soundtracks to help sell this redeeming message that State schools really could/can work.” – Ref. Kindergarten Cop Cancel, NZB3

Why do these broken people keep turning up at work at all? Why wallow in despair, be resented by kids, skulk around campus bent over in a crinkly jacket, have slights and paper planes chucked at you? Why not retire? Go find some job where you can live with integrity? It’s because they’re not trying to do that. Like all the other Crisis Actors above the Despairing or the fake-integrity actor is in the presence of children in order to torture them with their own pain.

Their thrill, their revenge, is the recognition in the child that they could or will end up this way too. It’s the worst of them all. Hateful. Misplaced vengeance for a life ruined.


Resolving Ericsonian Crises Upon School Kids? Title should have been Projecting Crises. Nothing gets resolved here.

Image ref. Rainbow Storytime NZ, Facebook (2022)Image ref. Tippy – “Daddy Chill” Moment In Eviction Day! McJuggerNuggets | #shorts, Youtube

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