January 22, 2025 - Personal blog of Rick Giles

“There was no compulsory vaccination”

September 7, 2023


“There was no compulsory vaccination, people made their own choices,” said Prime Minister Chris Hipkins (again) this week. Ref. Rumble

This sparked fury and has been repeated all over the alternative media but not, of course, in the mainstream media. Why would he “poke the bear” like that in the election campaign? These words have agitated and energised and infuriated all of those who objected to the Political Pandemic on medical or freedom grounds. Ah- but I’ve answered my own question.

Here’s another way of answering it by exploring the same tactic in American politics. Why does the Left persecute President Trump? Criminal charges, mug shots, witch hunts! Haven’t they ever heard of the Streisand Effect? They are pumping Donald Trump up with publicity and power far beyond what the other Republican potential nominees for the presidential election can hope for. Is that what they want? Yes! They want Trump to win and think they can beat him. That is the point. This persecution completely depletes the ‘real’ Republican opposition. Of course, it will back-fire if the monster they’re building turns around and wins….

Hipkins is cleverly using that same playbook.

The insulted voting block was never going to pick Labour 6.0 in the election. But they might have, if calmed down enough, drifted into voting for ACT and National or New Zealand First.

Hipkins has woken them up again. His words have made sure that some of the voters that these mainstream parties would have been able to count on are angry again. The will remember why they were looking for alternatives like Liz Gunn’s or Brian and Hannah Tamaki’s wee side-gigs. Hipkins doesn’t care if votes are lost to those little parties. Indeed, he’s happy to push that process along because it’s a bleed on the Right’s lead.

Cheaper than announcing a policy or making a promise he will have to fulfill (or, more likely, wiggle out of.) Cheaper than an attack advert too. Just a few words on camera during press questions and Hipkins has neatly deprived his opposition of votes they can’t get back but which via passive means would have landed on their laps. Certainly Chris Luxon isn’t going to do anything active to bring those people back since it would alienate more followers than it would bring in. Luxon is just as bad as Hipkins on this issue and it’s helpful we have that photo of him looking down on the Freedom Protest from a high tower while refusing to meet it.

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