February 23, 2025 - Personal blog of Rick Giles

Politics in Heterogenia

January 14, 2024


The greatest Extinction Burst in cinema was the fate of the T-1000 in Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991) as it was melted down and destroyed. The evil sociopathic Janus-faced robot revisited every face and shape it had used in the whole film to manipulate and murder until its repertoire was extinguished at last.

Politicians are like that too.

The premise of this post is that politicians are even more sociopathic janus-facedĀ  shape-shifters in response to how many voters they are trying to please.

This observation arises out of a conversation about the Green MP Golriz Ghahraman being stood down from her party portfolios. She’s offshore on holiday but allegedly shop-lifted in Auckland between Christmas and New Year just a few days ago. Ref. Green Party co-leaders break silence over shoplifting allegations against Golriz Ghahraman, RNZ

Ghahraman has made it into NZB3 posts twice before for saying she wants to “destroy white supremacy” and for the premise that The State is the manufacturer of human dignity. She has held office as a national politician since appointment/election in 2017. Her brand is organised hysteria. Ref. Free Dignity, NZB3 (2020)

Alleged shoplifting might be the raison de facto for clearing out the Iranian “refugee,” Ghahraman. However, it’s always safe to assume that there are deeper reasons behind a politician being pushed out of their seat at their party table. We don’t yet know what these are in this case but do we really want to know more? It’s enough to know that being on the Green Party List involves satisfying a hetrogenious bunch of different viewpoints by tricking them all that you’re really on their side. When in the room with a given sub-faction you must act as if you are one of them. When you’re being seen by more than one group you must be neutral so they can project onto you who they think you are. If they find out you’re not….well then you’re out!

Party politics in our past did not have to contain so many disparate views. Especially not when we had few voters and everyone was more or less on the same side with a homogenous outlook on who we were and where we were going. However, New Zealand is now increasingly “multicultural” and “diverse” and hetrogenious. Ethnic factions from all over the world are increasingly being imported as immigrants or refugees. They all respect different values and symbols and it is to these a politician must pander in order to get their vote.

So, there’s a tie here between the picture above of Helen Clark the politician dressing up like an Iranian and Gloriz Ghahraman the Iranian refugee.

Consider the Te Ara page about the Peoples who live in New Zealand and see there are 54 different kinds. For example, Samoans, Scandinavians, Scots, South Africans, South Pacific peoples, Sri Lankans, Swiss; And that’s just ‘S’. Not to mention the sub-cultures within each group who frequently have violent tension between them that has also been imported into our country along with them. Ref. 1985: Al Noor Mosque, AHNZ

Here (left) is a diagram of the idea showing the Market for Political Duplicity. It models a linear relationship between the national heterogeneity and the supply of political pandering.

The more atomised factions of different ‘New Zealanders’ there are the more groups a successful politician will have to pander to in order to stitch up a large enough base for electoral support. It will reward politicians who can appear to stand for whatever is required by the audience they have in a given moment. It will require politicians who don’t stand for anything too strongly or offer any firm content by which they can be judged. They need to be as blank as possible in order to be a canvas that the voters can project their views onto. The different groups must never suspect that the performer singing the song of their people is also performing other songs for other people in other places. Look no further for why we see politicians (eg. Justin Trudeau, famously) dress up in farm boots, hijab, sari, hard hats, yamaka, cowboy hats, ANZAC poppies, and various ribbons.

We have a run-away entropic situation (created by immigration policy set by our politicians) where diversity/hetrogeniety leads to politicians trying to please all of the people all of the time. They become more and more pandering, more duplicitous. They’ll flip-flop and break promises where able but generally the best strategy is to stand for nothing so everyone can think of a politician whatever they wish. That’s certainly what the present Prime Minister Chris Luxton has done and we still (January 2024) have absolutely no idea what he stands for. Ref. Mystery Box Luxon, NZB3

Sociopathy Turning Point

As the diagram was being drawn I decided to make it just a little bit more complex by adding in a vertical line, ‘S’, called the Sociopathy Turning Point.

Surely there is some threshold in HS Space (hetrogeniety-pander space) where a nation’s stock of politicians become so socipoathic that the entire corporate organism fails?

If your brain was so busy trying to please the people around you that it became a liability to dealing with basic functions (security, food, shelter,..) then you’d end up being killed. As the Emperor with No Clothes found out we live primarily in reality and secondarily in the social world.

Ancient Rome or modern New Zealand could, at this point called ‘S’, become dysfunctional as an economic entity. We could make choices that destroy the very basis of life because we instead hyper-focused on the basis of pandering to ‘The Current Thing’. Crossing that line probably means collapse. If a recovery and re-prioritisation were not possible in short order then the territory covered by the given nation would most likely be taken away from it by another nation that wasn’t suffering from the same hubris.

Isn’t it so that New Zealand, as a corporate entity, has outsourced most of its manufacturing industry? Most of the coal mines closed. Forestry dialed back. Huge taxation takings are directly diverted toward helping foreigners (some of them have space programs!) and used to subsidise them by exporting education. Our best people we raise up and then they leave to work in another economy on the other side of the world. We used to be able to refine our own petrol and make our own roading but we shut that down and poured concrete into it so nobody would reboot it (Marsden Point.) Old and gas exploration was banned (but this may change.) The political priority is on Woke things, on pandering, on Social Justice. It’s not on growth, productivity, thriving materially. We put that COVID Crisis performative affectation way ahead of our economic needs. We explicitly made the nation serve the health system rather than the other way around.

There must come some threshold point ‘S’ where a given group tips. All cohesion is lost, integrity and unity abandoned for ‘hits’ or ‘votes’ or ‘likes’ no matter whose they are. At that point you’re not a country any more and will fall to another group that is. Either one from without or one of the strongest factions within.

How near to S are we?

Abstract Random Personality Typology

There’s a personality typology that tends to do well when a society is close to point ‘S’. It’s called the Abstract-Random because it blends people who perceive of the world abstractly (intuitive, imaginative, subtle) and those who also order their information Randomly (anything goes, hodge-poge, just stick it in any old way!)

According to the source material (eg. Cynthia Tobias (1994)) the dominant AR is a People Pleaser. They strive to include all preferences. Are often more willing to change their rules or views than to have conflict. They don’t tend to enforce the rules which might mean that someone else has to do it and then they’re the ‘bad guy’ because the AS always wants to be the ‘good guy.’ Good parent, good cop, “nice.” This kind of person is easy to guilt-trip and manipulate. They’re very sensitive, as a rule, to the people around them. Pleasing others is most important.

Strikes me that New Zealand’s mainstream is dominated by AR people just now. If Ghahraman says she wants to “destroy white supremacy” and “distribute dignity” then she’s right on brand for people who think like that and vote accordingly.

People like this put down those who are not like them. They experience people with conviction and stick to rules as uncaring, unappreciative, unloving, threatening. Those people are “racists” and need to be shut down. When AS is the mainstream they can do it too.

It’s the AS people who reward politicians for moving society toward the S point. The politicians are just an effect, playing the game and picking up the rewards offered to them by a system not of their own making. Will we give them power if they dress up and pretend to like kimchi? Then they’ll do it. Rub noses and act like they believe in superstitious Maori gods? They’ll do that too. Kiss a baby, cry over an ANZAC grave, brown, blue, hurtful, purple, anything you like.

It’s a typology most associated with maternal, caring, feminine energy. In the right dose it’s essential and functional. In extreme it will certainly bring down society. It’s quite clear that we ended 2023 charging for the Sociopathic Saturation point. We will probably start roping in our AS folk when the pain they cause becomes real enough. It does seem quite clear that our hetrogenious society and our pandering politicians have increased together in concert.


Image ref. Former Prime Minister Helen Clark in Iranian costume, Wikipedia

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