February 23, 2025 - Personal blog of Rick Giles

Australian Truth

April 27, 2024


The Australian mainstream identity must be pretty fragile right now. That’s a metaphysical problem shared by Anglos worldwide: What am I? Who are we? This is an Anaphase Crisis in that we all accept in a natural process like cell replication but don’t tend to apply to a large organism like Australia. The way I look at it even Western Culture has an ongoing pattern of life that includes mitosis with its sub-processes like Interphase (stability, growth, order) and Anaphase (social unraveling, polarisation, identity confusion.) When this runs its course (every 80 years or so) an organism emerges from a time weakness and confusion as a stronger version of itself; A new age begins.

Rather than face this metaphysical problem and the birth pains of our new and emerging social organisation we are heavily invested in denial of reality and lies about events. Simon Webb on his History Debunked channel covered this practise 2 days ago in his video: What do people mean when they talk of two-tier policing in London? The crux of it is that lawmakers and law enforcers practice differential enforcement by offering punishments or summary pardons depending on who the Traditional Victim is in a given scenario. Note, though, that during Anaphase this tradition is changing rapidly. Presently it would be Ukranians not Russians, Palestinians not Israelis, Drag Queens not children, G/LGB/LGBT/LGBTQ/LGBTQ+ not men.

(ANZAC Day, with its emphasis of the death and sacrifice, is an annual institutional exception where we frame white men as the traditional victim. However, this 1 day is eroding by age and attrition and vastly outnumbered by the other 364 days when it’s not OK (let alone necessary) to be a man and/or white. Ref. Yet to Recover, AHNZ, Ref. An Acute Form Of Self-Rejection, NZB3)

Lawmakers and enforcers have, you see, abandoned the Rule of Law. Instead their target is popularity and pacifism. Rather than a Justice System we have a Legal System. Rather than deal with that metaphysical crisis above mentioned we compromise on epistemology with denial of reality and lies about events. I have written extensively about how the New Zealand Police court popularity and public profile these days in abandonment of their knightly role as defenders of justice and our rights. We now have political policemen with various costumes rather than one uniform. They have a various and increasing array of decorated Social Justice signal vehicles in the mad conceit that they will ever be able to keep up with the latest Traditional Victim. They break the discipline of their social role to dance and party and play in public (image, right.) Ref. Political Policemen, NZB3; Another Police Virtue Signal on Wheels, NZB3

Authority is not for the weak. They, in their trauma, will adopt the Fawning defense mechanism because they are high in Agreeableness as a Personality Trait. This manifests in their identifying who the most angry and violet party in a conflict and siding with them against the most reasonable and patient person or group. It’s just like a mother giving the best food or clothing to the child who can signal suffering and victimhood with the most piercing vocalisation and tantrum. Anarchism is Refusal to Tantrum. Of course, the unintended consequence of parenting or policing or governing this way would be to grow the Outrage Industrial Complex as various groups clamber over each other to attain most preferred victimhood status and hoover up the free goodies. Simultaneously, those who refuse to participate in this Oppression Olympics are selected against in political, professional, and cultural roles. And that does seem to be what’s increasingly going on around here don’t you agree? Clown World has settled in to be the new normal.

Woke Capital is doing the same, of course. Nobody has been more on-brand for fawning than Countdown supermarkets under the PR controller Kiri Hannifin. They have since re-branded to Woolworths so perhaps they’re moving on? Hannifin was last seen doing Wokester PR (Air New Zealand’s Chief Sustainability Officer) for electric airplanes. It was without schadenfreude but with plenty of vindication for the principles mentioned above that we observed Hannifin’s Countdown being the target of stabbings, more stabbings, and a Social Justice riot. Ref. Countdown Kiri Takes Knives Away, NZB3

“On 13 April 2024, 40-year-old Joel Cauchi stabbed and killed six people and injured a further twelve in the Westfield Bondi Junction shopping centre in the eastern suburbs of Sydney, New South Wales, Australia.” – Wiki

“On 15 April 2024, at approximately 7:15pm local time, a knife attack took place at Christ The Good Shepherd Church in Wakeley, a suburb of Sydney, Australia. During a live-streamed sermon, the attacker walked up to the pulpit, first stabbing..” – Wiki

“Well, first of all Elon Musk is just putting his ideology out there on a platform because he is a billionaire. So let’s be honest here, he is nothing but a social media knob. All right, let’s be honest here. And he is harmful – and what he is doing to kids out here and what he is doing to adults. And the crap that he puts over that X. I tell you what: it’s gone far enough.”- Senator Jacqui Lambie, SBS News

Note: “He questioned whether labelling the stabbing of a bishop in south-west Sydney as a “terror incident” was too quick. “All we’re saying is, surely there was time for police to do a more thorough investigation and a review before they labelled that a terrorist act.” – Radio New Zealand (Because him being filmed (live streamed to the world!) shouting “Allahu Akbar” while stabbing a Christian Bishop while he’s preaching in a church isn’t enough to label it a terrorist attack. Ref. David Peterson)

Westfield mall branding has replicated this same performative fawning. As NZB3 covered, they turned their back on the Anglo institution of Christmas and walked a very weird ambivalent line of trying to drum up retail sales without upsetting anyone. They framed Christmas as WHATEVER, which may include decorating a tree with a crayfish instead of a star. Among the Aristotelian Causes this may not have directly caused the Westfield Bondi Junction homicides but the cultural line is plain to see. Woke Westfield hack at the roots of our cultural consensus to sell their doodads. Ref. Dissociative Identity Disorder of Woke Capital, NZB3

Muslim extremism is apparently demonstrated by video evidence of the attacks which is freely viewable on the Elon Musk owned X. The mainstream narrative is that the killer was a misogynist off his meds so Musk has been under attack for permitting free expression that indicates otherwise. The same suspicion falls over the Wakeley stabbing just 3 days later and also in Sydney and this also hurts the mainstream narrative. The belief that police are apparently hunting for Muslim accomplices is itself offending the Fawning section of society because such an investigation contradicts the Traditional Victim. Muslims throw the biggest and most violent tantrums and as such are supposed to be the beneficiaries of our Agreeableness.

This approach to Freedom of Speech isn’t just cultural but official. It was the ruling of Australia’s chief censors,  eSafety Commissioner, as backed up by the Federal Court of Australia. Musk had to gag is platform by 5pm on 24/April. He just bloody didn’t and that was that.

Australian Truth took another blow when the Westfield Mall managers, obviously desperate to open up again, sold their re-opening as a way to honor the dead. What they really want is cash registers to clang so their retail outlets can fill up again and everybody make payroll. But they had to say that opening up for business again was really about helping the community grieve! They had to. These days you can’t even ride or walk on group trek unless it’s part of some charitable event or “awareness raising” campaign. You can’t just be people living free, there has to be some gimmick for moral cover. That’s why it was refreshing to read this week of 3 mates who rode horses over the Amuri Pass saying “We weren’t riding for awareness or anything, it just seemed like a good idea over a beer.”  (Grey Star 26/4/2024)

Contrary to that the usual protocol is to require some moral cover. It’s OK for bourgeois white people to ride electric unicycles through Bangladesh for recreation so long as they can call back to the slumdog urchins they tread over something like “This raises awareness for BLM!” or “Climate Change Justice for Palestine,” or “We ride today to raise funds for Bangladeshi unicycle hit-and-run victims!”

Back to Australia, the best example came from headlines such as Sydney surf clubs paddle out at Bondi Beach in moving act for victims of Westfield Bondi Junction stabbing massacre (7 News.) I’m pretty sure Bondi beach recreationalists simply want to go back to enjoying their paddle boarding the same way Westfield want their revenue stream back. Can’t say that though, hence the moral cover story that as they’re splashing in bikinis and swimsuits it’s some kind of aquatic equivalent of an ANZAC Dawn Service. I’m cynical. I think it’s really the lifting of a taboo so they can go back to regular life having paid their Agreeableness subscription tax.

Australian Truth, finally, takes the cake this week in one final story to show how Clownish things get during Anaphase. This one is so on the nose it’s literally called “Truth Telling.” Ref. New report identifies barries to truth-telling between First Nations and non-Indigenous people, SBS news

A new report has identified barriers and enablers to effective truth-telling between First Nations people and non-Indigenous people. The research by University of New South Wales and Reconciliation Australia has sparked calls for further action from local councils and government departments to better their truth-telling processes. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander respondents say truth-telling is considered an essential step in redefining the relationship with non-Indigenous people and institutions. Chief executive officer at Reconciliation Australia, Karen Mundine, from the Bundjalung nation, says frank and honest truth-telling is key to ensuring Australia does not repeat the same mistakes.

“We know that if we do ultimately want to get to a treaty, or we want to address the relationship between First Nations, peoples and other Australians, we have to investigate our past, we have to understand the basis of the relationships that have been in the past, but continue to play out today. Because if we don’t, we’re going to continue to make the same mistakes, we’re going to continue to perpetuate systems that either don’t work for First Nations peoples, or in some cases actively exclude us and, and we see that play out time and time again.” – SBS News

This Karen epitomises just how acute the Australian lying and reality-avoidance has become. My argument is so powerful I don’t need to dispute her claims any more than I need to get into the weeds about the Sydney stabbers being Muslim or not. The point there is that free expression is being suppressed and that’s the point I target. Here it’s the same. Karen with Reconciliation Australia and University of New South Wales and SBS Australian Government ‘news’ have also set a polarising narrative of IN and OUT. The Sophistry in this case works not by outlawing speech directly but by default. Her own IN speech “The Truth” is apparently about historical grievances inflicted on the “Indigenous and First Nations” Traditional Victim group. The accuracy of these claims should also be argued about but not at the expense of the more powerful, meta-level, principle that should be rejected which is that someone gets to call their own discourse Truth Telling.

It’s downright Orwellian how Karen gets “Truth Telling” into every single sentence of that SBS report. Imagine being able to re-frame your narrative beyond narrative, beyond news, beyond discourse, beyond even scientific findings. Imagine being able to privilege your particular cause as The Truth and the expression thereof as Truth Telling. And, have mainstream media broadcast this for you with academic support!

It’s Clownish, it’s acute, it’s dangerous. Those who can be made to believe absurdities can be made to commit atrocities. How much lower can Australian Truth get in 2024? And this is only April.

See also. ‘The premise of this post is that politicians are even more sociopathic janus-faced shape-shifters in response to how many voters they are trying to please.’ – NZB3 (2024)


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