“That tide has turned—or if it hasn’t yet, it’s turning.”
February 7, 2025
Well that’s an interesting admission to mark the ending of what I call ‘Aotearoa New Zealand Culture’. Mike Hosking said on his Newstalk ZB radio show this morning some words I wasn’t expecting. He, or one of his script-writers, put it quite well- the ‘currently cool’ SJW and Woke Virtue Signalling about all things “Māori” is on the home stretch.
Many of us have known this was just a phase we were going through all along. But few have been brave enough to be self-expressed about it.
The election of Donald Trump and his attitude has led the way. Today’s news, too, is that Google is putting an end to their Diversity and Inclusion era. Ref. Google scraps diversity hiring goals and cites Trump’s DEI orders, The Guardian
You can listen to Hoskin’s editorial here: Mike’s Minute: Our race relations prevent progress, Newstalk ZB (7 February, 2025)
Here’s a transcript of the best bit with the fun stuff in bold..
Peronara is just a player and a player in a team. His race does not trump the team.
And yet, it’s very clear, as per the story on Wednesday, that he was allowed to blackmail a woke collective into a sort of submission. The NZRU was woke, enamored by modern-day practices because it’s inept and has been for years.
Organizations, groups, and businesses that are not sure of themselves sway in the wind and are easily captured by whatever is currently cool.
For a while, in public life and public service, the zeitgeist got cool. Everyone had to say “Kia ora,” call it “the Motu,” and play along to look like they were part of the gang.
That tide has turned—or if it hasn’t yet, it’s turning.
The ‘Aotearoa New Zealand’ Safe Space, Woke, SJW, Triggered, Me Too, LGBQRSXXL+, Black Lives Matter, etc. is looking up the word ‘defenestrate’ in the dictionary to find out what’s happening to them.
By 2030 we’ll have another zeitgeist which will, in its turn, become intolerable too. For a while though it will be a breath of fresh air and most welcome.