Wildlife Carbon Offset
March 10, 2025
So DOC, under Labour 6.0, were under the impression they could kill 46 species of wildlife, including some rare and protected species, as long as they did something nice to make up for it.
Talk about carbon-offset mentality!
“The Environmental Law Initiative (ELI) challenged the decision to grant the New Zealand Transport Agency Waka Kotahi (NZTA) authority to kill 46 species of wildlife — including North Island brown kiwi, short-tailed and long-tailed bats and Archey’s frog — as it constructed the Mt Messenger bypass in north Taranaki.”
“The permit allowed for the deaths of wildlife, including North Island brown kiwi, short-tailed and long-tailed bats and Archey’s frog, over the duration of construction of the bypass.”
“The Crown’s submission that [the legislation] can authorise the killing of wildlife for any purpose merely if the viability of populations of wildlife that any animals killed belong to are otherwise being maintained or improved through some other related or unrelated action.” “Judge Jason McHerron agreed. In the decision published last week, he said: “I do not accept the Crown’s submission…” – Otago Daily Times (10/March/2025)
Even then, they didn’t make a case for what wonderful Utilitarian thing they did elsewhere to make up for the deaths of the local populations. Says the Judge.
Do you think our Managerial Overlords think this way when it comes to people too? If the supposed environment-lovers will plough through protected species for the Greater Good then they’ll go through you too.
Ref. RNZ