October 17, 2024 - Personal blog of Rick Giles

How can she Flip now?


We have a Game Theory problem now. The Prime Minister can’t perform The Flip (ie back down on exercising extraordinary powers for 2 years+) without appearing to concede to people power. It will look as if the people rule the Prime Minister rather than the Prime Minister ruling the people. I know! She can’t have […]

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February 27, 2022

X Must Go


Meet the New Boss same as the Old Boss. Same as the Next Boss. Over and over. I don’t buy these hats or support these causes. It’s too narrow. It is The State that needs to go not any one of its changing faces. Update: “Those Ardern hats may as well say “Oppress Me Slightly […]

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February 26, 2022

Ukraine in the Membrane


Our Mainstream Media, including the commentators and the people asking the questions are all on-message when it comes to the current Ukraine Crisis. The general gist the public is being provided is that Russian President Vladimir Putin is a power-hungry madman. He dreams of rebuilding the old Communist Russian Empire which, we are told, is […]

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February 25, 2022

“Mainly Comorbidities”


A Middlemore Hospital spokeswoman acknowledge today some facts buried under alarmist headline and other spin… “We are mainly seeing people that are sick with Covid and have other comorbidities or have a broken bone and have Covid or are delivering a baby with Covid,” Thornton said. Oh no. Where’s the COVID Emergency hysteria anxiety pandemic […]

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February 23, 2022

“Make Sure You’re Sorted”


What’s the difference between propaganda and advertising? Advertising puts you in contact with desires you already have and tells you about a channel to achieve them. Propaganda tells you what to want and often employs fear. This (image, left) bit of propaganda from the Ministry of Civil Defense is on-message with Labour 6.0’s efforts to […]

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February 22, 2022

If You Get Hurt Who Gets Harmed?


Oh bugger off Government Accident Compensation Corporation with your latest patronising propaganda campaign. New Zealanders are not kindergarten idiots in need of being told how to chop wood or reach for something up high on a shelf. Truth is the government definitely don’t care if you come to harm. They care that you might claim […]

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February 21, 2022

The Media Priesthood


I like this picture of a media priestess. The steeple behind conjures up the image of a church. The colored panel of screens resemble a stained glass window of a cathedral. The Fourth Estate has taken over the role previously held by the Church in our society. Using words they are a sophisticated form of […]

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February 19, 2022

Policeman’s Pirouette


The cops said they would tow on Friday. They said they would have it done by Monday. They said they’d do it on Tuesday, no Wednesday. Thursday came and went. Today, Friday, they said “Police Commissioner Andrew Coster said threatening to tow the vehicles of anti-mandate protesters in Wellington had escalated tensions in an unsafe […]

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February 19, 2022

“Isn’t it time you packed up your tent and went home before everything turns nasty?”


Kerre McIvor’s talkback editorial calls for Freedom Protesters to “pack up their tents” before “everything turns nasty.” That style of threat reminds me of a viscous old school mistress I had as a kid of Kerre’s same generation. Come to think of it, she had the same hair that probably comes from the same bottle. […]

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February 17, 2022

Freedom Protest is Stonewalled by Every Party?


“Has there ever before been a protest to parliament that was stonewalled by every party? What the heck is going on?” asks Lindsay Mitchell. This is a question NZB3 answered using a model taught to thousands of sociology students at our universities. Professor Robert K. Merton’s Social Structure and Anomie (1938) is the most popular […]

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February 16, 2022