October 17, 2024 - Personal blog of Rick Giles

Freedom Protest “Unsafe” and “Disorganised”


“To be amongst the protestors is both calming and exhilarating. There’s a strong sense of trust in one another which has been long denied by lockdown separations, physical distancing and masking. People are working together to overcome adversities thrown at them by nature or the state” wrote Lindsay Mitchell last night. Unsafe? Better quarantine all […]

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February 14, 2022

Take This Government Survey


In February 2021 the Labour 6.0 Government asked you to be a beta tester for their new forced history lessons for our kids. At that point their new compulsory history lessons were set to go in 2022. Like so many other plans of this Government they have been stalled/delayed/cancelled; This time until election year 2023 […]

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February 12, 2022



I don’t know how long this has been going on, this current form of politics. 15 or 20 Years? That’s also when a ‘debate’ stopped being a debate but instead a point-scoring game taught at our universities. I know, I was there. Debate Society at the University of Canterbury was all about disingenuous interjections and […]

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February 11, 2022

Disruptions in Wellington


Glad to see ex-politician and Anarchist Rodney Hide supporting the pro-freedom protests at Parliament. “I support the protest 100 percent,” he says, on his blog BASSETT, BRASH & HIDE. I support it 100% too within the context it exists in. The proviso is that I would prefer people be Anarchists and not Statists. Watching the […]

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February 10, 2022

“Never been more than 11 COVID-19 patients in ICU at any one time”


The mainstream, aided by the media, aided by government PR, keep re-inforcing that narrative that a molecule is holding us hostage and not ourselves. ‘COVID means this,’ ‘Delta did that,’ or ‘Omicron means that..’ The truth has always been, as it always must be, that we are responsible for how we respond to any crisis […]

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February 9, 2022

Agreement With Government Gives Me A Strong Voice


Green Party co-leader says that agreement with Labour 6.0 gives his party a “strong voice.” Now that is what I call saying “yes” to power! It’s downright Orwellian Double-Speak to say that Agreement = Strong Voice but here we are. To be precise, James doesn’t think he means capitulation/submission/obedience is what makes him strong. He […]

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January 19, 2022

Car Fires By Vehicle Type


I’m not especially interested in the national debate between conventional engines vs. electric. This picture (left) came up though and a couple of mistakes occurred. I made the mistake of making a throw-away statement I never thought anyone would respond to. Then someone else made the mistake of responding to it. So, waste not want […]

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January 15, 2022

The ‘Yes, And’ Politics Game


Improvisational Comedy has been a mainstream part of Western Culture for many decades now: An impromptu spontaneous, un-scripted, comedic performance based on no plan just a set of rules. Back in high school we called it ‘Theater Sports’ but since then Improv’ Comedy has become more widely known along with its basic formula. This comedy […]

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January 13, 2022

Angry Ratepayer Radio Rebuff


Francesca Rudkin usually does weekend infomercials disguised as news interviews but is filling in during prime time on radio Newstalk ZB. On Monday she opened up an interesting topic about ratepayers violently revolting against their political and bureaucratic staff. Apparently it’s now so bad that Rudkin felt the need to specify that “physical abuse” ought […]

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January 12, 2022

“We do owe one another a living”


The idea of having to earn a living implies that we don’t deserve to have our needs met simply by virtue of having these needs. To break it down a bit, we don’t deserve physical fitness or quality friendships or wealth or a long life or shelter or clothing or any values unless we embody […]

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January 9, 2022