January 22, 2025 - Personal blog of Rick Giles

NZB3: A Year in Review

March 31, 2020


It has been 12 months since this blog was activated and added to the suite of contributors to Anarkiwi. Some of the posts have been quite prescient as has already been shown by the passage of time. NZB3 is not afraid to be wrong so has no fear of issuing unambiguous predictions or judgements! Following

March 2019

NZB3 Reboot

The Christchurch Massacre, like COVID-19 now, stressed the population. Due to to the cultural climate, the response was both censorship and self-censorship. People were afraid to think for themselves and preoccupied with uttering Politically Correct and approved views only; So I set out to disrupt that.

Gun Banning: Vanity before History– Correctly identifies that Slave Culture is taking over and that Honour Culture is on the horizon with a hard transition. Many more SC events were to follow (see below) and the HC is already as authoritarian as I anticipated.

Police Pursuit Policy
– HC Policemen have been given a hard time during the VC era for chasing down their victims and honing the skills to do it. This time nobody said a word and the debate is all but ended. VC thunder is on the outs
Al Noor Mosque– VC has had to make out the victims as innocent. Are they?
Post-Massacre Backlash– A crisis is exploited to the glorification of politicians and neglect of all sense. It’s a recurring theme
He Who Must Not Be Named– Sympathetic magic. Homeopathy. Voodoo.
Political Policemen– Important observations about the creeping politicisation of our official HC gang, the NZ Police
Cats Against Brexit– A profile of the VC and their growing desperation at being displaced from the mainstream throne
The Enormous Millennial SJW Turnip– Why the VCs ensure a hard, authoritarian, culture transition

Christchurch vigil or political rally? Why some people walked out of Auckland Domain event– It took about 10 days for Massacre politics to pall. Measure that against the COVID-19 credulity
How Slaves Invade– SC defeating VC in 2019
How Slaves Defend– SC surviving HC

April 2019

Bonfire of the Virtues– SC try to survive HC by narking on their own people and values; “This is not us” was the catchphrase summing it up
Reductionist Erasure– The r-selected try to entrench anti-individuality, wishing everyone to see the world in terms of one big commune herd while they can. The HC will be along shortly to smash that!
Mongrel Mob Haka– Very telling signal of the rising HC
Pride Festival Cancelled– The VC gives a big ‘Shit Test’ to the HC and this time the HC walks away. Another milestone in our cultural transition.
Hurunui Victimhood Councillor– “By running on the Victimhood Councillor platform in the coming 2019 local body elections Julia risks becoming type-cast. She lifts her profile but when our culture changes it will want to rid itself of Outrage Industrial Complex exponents and she’ll be dust.”
The Kiwi Khaleesi Tour– Our PM capitalises on her VC stock spike with ‘The Christchurch Call’

May 2019

Storming the Taranaki Energy Castle– VC is used to transfer power of our energy into new political hands
Converted to Islam after the Mosque Attacks– More Slave defence
“Because it Matters”We promised journalism and gave the audience Paddy Gower throwing rotten cabbages at a man already locked in the town square’s pillory.Oh brave journalist!

“Doughnut Economics”– Economics travelling show comes to NZ trying to sell some VC snake oil. Not unlike…
A Professor Pivots– Professor Paul Spoonley’s business is Show Business: Academic Branch.
Dial 105 for Nash– Labour 6.0 storm the Police Castle as they have done with the Energy Castle

Meet Your New God: Scepticism Culture– SC overthrowing VC, t’was ever thus
Victimhood Culture’s Escalation– The VC era was really over but artificially extended by increasing desperation

June 2019

Jesse Anderson– A K-selected man spat into the wind of r-selected hegemony
Haeata Community College– VC School finally running out of excuses
See-through wheelie bins– VC try to see though SC in a trashy power play

July 2019

The Forrester Gallery, OamaruBarbarians At the Gates: The systematic looting of our galleries archives and libraries
Cricket Participation– In the K-selected cultures (HC and DC) we celebrate only winners. Our VC PM wants losers to get the prize just the same
Brown Razzle Dazzle– Just another VC guise
Honour Culture Dispute Resolution– Primer on basic freelance HC problem-solving
“Storm X, they can’t stop us all”– So here’s clear meme signal that our mainstream culture needle is set to Slave.
Countdown’s Latest Victimhood Culture ActWhat’s next in VC turns out to be the impending policing of Energy Drinks
Disarming the Youth– K-selected kids need to be undermined
Petition of Jessica QuinnDo fertility signals need to be legislated against? Millennial Victimhood Culture says ‘yes’.
Double Up or Nothing Going Down?– Gun buy-back fizzer lied about
A New Commissariat of Education Control– Storming the Education Castle. At attempt to do to schools what Labour 6.0 has for Police and Energy.

August 2019

Storm Ihumatao, Storm St Lukes Mall– Escalating Slave Culture topples Victimhood Culture to take its turn at being mainstream. Land and even shopping malls were stormed and held. This only ceased when Labour 6.0 reset itself to HC under the pretence of the C-19 virus. Now protesters, including the Ihumatao occupation, can easily be disposed of without looking back
The Plastic Martyrs– NZB3 warns anti-plastic VC signaller about sacrificing plastic. These bags sure would be useful in a time of pandemic don’t you think? A barrier of protection was given up, disease followed,..what have you gained?
Daylight Robbery– “The State is going to end up dealing out some ugly repression measures and we’ll all be sorry.”
‘Police remove guns from Ihumātao, protesters worried’– The HC wolf fires a shot across the VC bow
The Last Straw– More VC Puritanism from Countdown supermarket. I predict a major re-brand in the second half of 2020 as HC is in and VC is out!
Original Sin: Upgrade Pack 2.0– The State calls out for VC and SC folk to unite with it by narking on the Out Group. Seen anyone using a plastic bag? Same tactic will be used on an even greater scale for Lock Down infractions during the C-19 moral panic the following year (2020.) We were being groomed.
Conducting the SJW Orchestra– Maori VC woman throws white girl into the cold night in defence of migrants. VC crowd goes wild!
Peak Phosphorus– With SC comes the spread of SC fairytales about shortages
North Canterbury Irrigators Attacked Again– You know you’re living in Victimhood Culture when all it takes to establish or rebut something is that a fertile environmentalist woman mutters a magic word or two.
Localism– Central Government pretends to be local because they hear you like that sort of thing and want to be in charge
Victimhood Culture vs. NZ Sign Language– Even deaf people aren’t Politically Correct enough in 2019 for the VC
Trading in the sanctity and sacrament of marriage for a sugary dessert– SC has no respect for abstracts, they are a Concrete Culture just like HC. Institutions are worth less than nothing so getting food in exchange is a bargain to them…

September 2019

Teach Our History?– VC tries to get its hands on NZ History
Colonised English– VC lashing out at Politically Incorrect pronunciation
Vegan Storm– Strong SC lashing out with impunity. The VC masters cannot hold them back much longer!
The Prime Minister’s Process– VC PM uses magic words to end discussion. The video is lost but this post remembers
VC ↓, HC ↑– “New Zealand will shortly turn once again to an Honour Culture Prime Minister.” What I did not anticipate was that Ardern herself might have what it takes to be an Authoritarian HC Prime Minister rather than be replaced!

October 2019

“Forthcoming Ecofascist Measures”– VC and its agenda suite are nothing to fear; They’re done for. SC then HC will replace their agenda. Don’t fear them.
“Mongrel Mob Kingdom announces first female chapter”– HC rising

The U.N has Run Out of Other People’s Money– The definition of Victimhood Culture ending is that it has fully tapped out the wallets of Dignity Culture.
“Moral posturing is how victory is decided”– Days of sophistry; Feels over Reals. At least for the moment…
Climate Change Is History– Predicts that the so-called ‘Climate Crisis’ will be over by 2020. It is, after all, really the moral climate that VC fears are responding to but they thought it was something to do with the warming planet!
Incel– Another sign HC is rising.
Dark Fate– VC SJW film featuring disposable males fails to be a hit. I incorrectly guessed the disposable man was a fiancee but got everything else right.

Jojo Rabbit– “VC knows their cultural climate is changing and it’s time to recycle what they can and, quite soon, bug out for the communes.” This film explores the Moral Culture transition we’re in using a light touch.

November 2019

“Share a Coke with Whānau”– Māori Victimhood Culture priests offer the appearance of protecting Maori.
“Firefighters Bash Their Partners”– As HC firefighters respond to risk and danger they spook the SC who has a VC lash out to protect them..

December 2019

Politicians Grab Surveillance Cameras– Police and Politicians compeete for control over the population. A taste of things to come in 2020..
Samoa’s Least Popular Spots– As a COVID-19 rehearsal plays out in Samoa, the VC lashes out from their sinking throne to destroy a cartoonist
Blazes on Auckland Mountains– VC Maori are taking over public spaces and mismanaging them
Transition Between Feudal Lords– VC Labour 6.0 show that they were, indeed, storming the Energy Castle rather than protecting the ‘environment’
Tokelau Laundry Service– Labour 6.0 show they can hide financial transactions behind all sorts of other things too
He was no threat. We shot him.– HC tribe shoots first and re-writes the media release later
The Victimhood Culture Ends– The VC is toast. They’re treading water in a sea of SC now.

January 2020

NZB3 Predicts The 2020s “My estimate is that the 2020s will carry our society into a mainstream of Honour Culture once again. Following on after such a hard-core Victimhood Culture, the HC characteristics are going to be more emphasised than they have been since the 1980s….I suspect we need a good Slave Culture Slump so the Honour Culture phoenix can hatch again. The only thing to fear is that the dying Victimhood Culture Government will exacerbate the pain because they are unable to accept their time is up.”
Victimhood InflationVictimhood Cultists are running out of things to eat and trying to get sustinence off more and more stupid ideas..like child pensions!
Social Justice– The Judiciary is subject to Moral Culture cycles too and have been VC as can be..
Considering Historical Justice– …and with a public like this it’s clear as to why!
Slum Surveillance– NZB3 notes the growing State authoritarianism and the SC catastrophe looming

February 2020

“Australia, Let Us Back In!”– The r-selected, by their very nature, have no respect for borders
What A Wonderful World– Don’t let it get you down. It’s only castles burning
Slave Culture Going Hungry– It’s a sign of our Slave Culture mainstream culture at the moment that such a mental illness problem is sympathised and identified with

March 2020

Slave Culture and Abortion– Slave Culture so strong now that the status of abortion in law has come to reflect their perspective exactly; Disposibility of children
Another Trained Racist– As SC transit workers throw their weight around a rogue HC woman provides fodder for a news media snapshot. Also shows the initiative is all about Moral Culture, not race
Greenstone Takeaway– SC ethic now rules the discourse to a point of undermining society itself. A little vinette from the West Coast demonstrates and a young Maori HC confronts
COVID-19– Begun this HC era has! NZB3 barely makes it out of the flames as numerous institutions are torched in a State-led authoritarian HC outburst using a virus for a pretence! Both the VC and the SC are burning now!

Phew! Quite a re-cap. And it really goes to show that we’ve been heading to exactly where we are all this while with clear road markers every step of the way.

It would be a hell of a thing to do this review again next March. Oh to be able to read a post like this in Year 2 of NZB3!

We’ve all become so familiar now with what it was like living through VC and SC times it’s going to take some serious adjusting. We can learn from previous HC and DC time periods but no two are ever the same. I’ll be charting the territory; Here’s hoping it’s still legal to do so.

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