Vaccine Risk Premium
The mainstream now admit that both COVID and the vaccine kill people. They had to because somebody all too obviously died. So now it’s just a matter of numbers. Like driving on our roads. Or, proximity to rivers and beaches. If we allow it to happen then some of us are going to die. Make […]
Read more..August 31, 2021

The Tarkin Effect
I think it’s more of a quadratic relationship not a linear one. But it certainly has a positive gradient. That’s very bad news for Australian and NZ governments who thought, actually thought, the slope was negative. Sorry about that morons.
Read more..August 29, 2021

Nobody Ever Expectorates: The Spanish Inquisition
Saliva testing for viral content has been banned by order of the Executive Government. Ref. ‘Covid-19 Public Health Response (Point-of-care Tests) order 2021’ Why? All we need to do is expectorate. To be tested, join a long queue that ends with a painful extraction stick up your nose where vomit buckets are on hand and […]
Read more..August 27, 2021

COVID Satire
The virus is detected in wastewater and sewage as the Podium of Truth regularly reports. However, there is no urine test for the virus. The government will be going up your nose painfully. Buckets to be sick in and water to rinse out your mouth afterwards are on standby at the head of all government […]
Read more..August 27, 2021

Only Maoris Can Fish
No scruples of the apartheid agenda will stand in its way. Even during Level 4 when everyone is locked down there is an exception for people of a certain race… “Fishing and whitebaiting” “At Alert Level 4, recreational fishing and whitebaiting is not allowed, except for Māori customary fishing and food gathering.” – covid19.govt.nz What […]
Read more..August 26, 2021

“White Adjacent”
Isn’t this just eating the broken bits and dust at the end of the Weetbix box? Or looking for spare change in the couch because you’re low on cash? Running on fumes when your tank is empty… Run out of ‘Aggression’? Resort to ‘Micro Aggressions’. Run out of ‘Hate Crimes’? Find a way to run […]
Read more..August 14, 2021

Will The Boomers Vaccinate?
National vaccination depends on the Boomers now. As of today (12 August, 2021) all Boomers have been mustered for their sheep drench. When compliance reaches a critical mass everyone who hasn’t gone along with it will be compelled to do so by the masses. No further propaganda will be needed. Simply the attitude of “I […]
Read more..August 12, 2021

Pest Eradication Economics Applied To Women
Palmerston North City Council has spent over $30,000 in just one go to stop women meeting for discussion. It’s a partially successful in attack on free speech because it did manage to reduce the attendance to just 20 people. Speak Up For Women were suppressed because they were accused of being anti-trangender. Are they? Not […]
Read more..August 10, 2021